Mar 31, 2005 11:48
Hmmm. . . Havn't much to say. . . I'm bored as anything and I wish there was something to do durring my lunch hour. But. . . nope. . . I'm broke. . . no one cool to hang out with. . . I already ate. . . and no one is online for me to talk to. This leaves me sitting in the non-smoking lounge all alone with nothing to do. AHH well. . . life could be worse, right?
So I have a job interview today after school. I can only hope that it goes well. I'm just hoping I'll be able to get more than $6.00 an hour. And enough hours on top of that. I really feel bad havning to ask M+D for money every few months just so I can pay rent and buy a bus pass. What's really sad is that even after all that I still don't hae enough $$ to buy food. I'm a very hungry Tori. *sigh* such is college life.
But uhh. . . what else is there to say? Hmmm. . . Made a new friend. And he's pretty awsomeness. Met him at Villa Pizza (go figure) actually, he's like the newest employee there. But yeah. . . we hang out every once in a while . . . like durring the hours neither of us is working, at school, or various other activities. Which I must say isn't very often, but we can hang at work every once in a bit. Or if I get bored enough on my nights off I swing by and say hello. I'm really gonna miss the people at Villa. They were like tres awsome . . . but the $$$$ isn't there, and that's what it's all about. Right? Well, at this point in my life, yeah, it has to be. Well . . .$$$$ and good grades. But the grades are comming pretty easy, and the $$$$ ain't. . . so you can guess what I'm more concerned with.
Aw man! Today is the last of the month. . . that means I gots to buy my bus pass. Damn. That's like. . . $60? hmmm. . . yeah. . . $60. I could so use that money on buying food. . . it would be SO NICE! That would be about enough to have food for the whole month. . . at least at the rate I've been eating. I need to eat more protein. . . . I really doubt that I'm getting enough. BUT after fruits and veggies, it's too expensive and spoils too quickly for me to be able to afford it.
I miss living at home. 3 regular meals, snacks, and more food than I really knew what to do with. *SIGH!* I just have to tell myself I won't be broke forever. At least, I hope I won't be broke forever. That has yet to be seen, but I'm sure I can do this. If other people can, I can too. . . I think. We'll see.
Okay. I'm done. Leave me a message or something! I wanna hear from my L-dale people! I MISS YOU GUYS SO BAD!