Title: Conflict Resolution Before It Begins
Author: Mariko Azrael
Relationship: Max Cooper/Danny Delgado
Rating: PG
Warning: None
Alyssa was going to have to do something, and soon.
Because even though it was nice that all five of them had gone out to eat at the restaurant she'd been wanting to visit for the past month, even though she really was happy that Max and Danny had finally admitted their feelings to each other (if not the rest of the team), even though it was adorable to watch them pretend their relationship was still their secret... it was becoming very clear to Alyssa that not everyone was as charmed by Max and Danny's public displays of affection as she was.
Max grinned cheekily at Danny as he stole a bite of his ice cream. Danny laughed, and proceeded to feed Max a spoonful-- and then he went quiet as Max licked the spoon in a way that... well, could only be described as suggestive.
Cole kept his eyes fixed on his own dessert, happily oblivious. Taylor raised an eyebrow.
Alyssa sighed mentally.
She was going to have to do something soon, because if she didn't Taylor was going to say something not so much mean as very blunt (i.e., 'Get a room already'). And then Max would try to convince them that he and Danny weren't like that. Then Taylor would tell him to stop being such a kid and just admit that he and Danny liked each other, and well, things would just get worse from there.
"Cole, don't you think we should head back to the Animarium?" Alyssa left a tip on the table as she spoke. "Red Lion's probably getting lonely without you."
"Sure!" Cole immediately brightened at the mentioning of his Zord as he bounded from the table, followed by Taylor. Max and Danny stood up, but Alyssa blocked their way.
"The park is really pretty this time of evening. If I wanted to go on a date, that's where I'd go."
Danny blinked at her. Max spluttered. "We're not--"
"Of course you're not." Alyssa began to rummage in her purse for her money. "But if you were, it's nice and quiet and far away from the rest of us. Especially Taylor." With that, Alyssa went to pay the bill-- and noticed Max and Danny heading in the direction of the park.
Alyssa felt herself grin as she handed over the money, feeling more than a little accomplished.
List of 22: Public Dining