Title: Deserving Jack
Author: lilyleia78
Relationship: Jack/Sky
Rating: PG-edited for rating
Warning: Unabashedly fluffy-no seriously, I don't know what got into me
Disclaimer: Please, like I could even imagine a giant scaly blue dog as mentor
Prompt: 4- commitment
It's lonely here. ::pokes fellow members::
The movie Jack had picked out was truly terrible. )
Speaking of which, starandrea is finished with Pray Me Home, her sequel to your Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow. She kindly suggested that we poke you for a possible prequel. So ::poke, poke::
(I realize nothing I've just said makes sense. And do you know why? Because I just readyourwolfstory!! ...I meant to put spaces in there. I did. If I faced why this story makes me so happy, I would probably reveal far too much about my sexual preferences for the world's comfort ::amused:: Suffice it to say, I am FULL OF LOVE for sub!vampire Jack and accidental!dom/incestuous!wolf Sky ♥)
PS: Ph33r my use of exclamation point!hyphens o.O
As for Wolf Moon Rising, I'm loving that 'verse far more than I should considering I only just started writing for it. It's taking over my brain and sprawling into my other fandoms. O.O Thre are seriously not enough hours in the day for me to write everything coming into my head for this 'verse. :(
And I can't really talk, considering how often I abuse the emoticons. ;)
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