Title: Red Fire
Author: cmar
Relationship: Wes/Eric
Rating: R
Warning: Long and multichaptered. Rating is for language, some violence, and brief sexual content.
This is an older story, previously posted, and I debated whether to post it here; but I think it's useful if only to show where this story (which was the first Wes/Eric and in fact the first slash I ever wrote) fits into the continuity of the longer series I'm doing here. Anyone who hasn't read this before, I hope you will now.
Summary: Wes and Eric have gone from bitter enemies to partners. But do their feelings go beyond friendship? Trapped and in danger, they remember the past and try to confront the present.
On fanfiction.net On my website Also, I was going to use an original theme, and plan to for the other previously posted entries in the Red Fire series, but it's such a natural for the 'fire' theme that I couldn't resist.
List of 22: Fire