Title: Sunshine
Focus: HyukJae, DongHae
Word Count: 575
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Notes: For Liz and Trish. Just coz I love them. Thanks to Nhaca for the plot idea. Thanks to Andi for beta-reading. :D
It was the best weather they'd had in months. After a season of heavy rain and overcast skies, it was nice to see the sun finally back, now shining brightly and playing with pretty dancing shadows on the vibrant green of the grass. The wind remained, but was tamer, blowing a gentle breeze against the tree branches, causing them to ruffle and shake, creating a soothing sort of music. Leaves fell like snowflakes to the ground and HyukJae brushed absentmindedly at the few that managed to catch onto the shoulder of his blue tee. Squinting, he stopped underneath a particularly large branch of the giant tree nearest to his dorm and looked up.
"DongHae, we have practice. Get back down here," he called, hand cupped beside his lips.
His addressee spared a glance down at him from where his legs were dangling from the sturdy tree branch, but smiled and shook his head. "It's such a nice day out, HyukJae. Why would I want to be stuck inside practicing dance routines?"
"Because it's your job," HyukJae shouted back, wondering why the others had sent him out, anyway. He got along well with DongHae, but never had been very good at convincing him to do anything. He would have much rather been inside then, practicing the dance with the rest of the SM trainees, instead of out here arguing with the adorable, but stubborn, Space Cadet.
DongHae laughed and shook his head again. "Not my job yet," he replied in a teasing tone. "I'm still in training."
"Semantics," HyukJae replied, lips contorting into a scowl. "DongHae, stop arguing with me and get down here. If you miss another practice, hyung's going to be upset at you." The coordinator had looked annoyed as it was when the others had decided to send HyukJae out. It was really that look that made him agree to the task, because he didn't want DongHae to get into too much trouble.
"Hyung's always upset at me," DongHae replied with a roll of his eyes. "I'll deal with him later. It's nice out here." Swinging his legs a little more forcefully back and forth, he turned away from HyukJae, gazing out at the horizon. What he was looking at, HyukJae didn't know, but he didn't particularly care either.
"DongHae, get your butt down here," he repeated.
DongHae laughed, his voice carrying across the lawn, and he looked down again. "Make me."
HyukJae glared at him a few moments more, but finally retorted with a huffy "fine" and walked with a steady purpose towards the tree.
It didn't take long for him to meet DongHae on his branch of the tree. He tugged at the soft cotton of DongHae's green shirt as the other boy laughed aloud, smiling rather proudly at his friend.
"Come on," HyukJae muttered. "Let's go back inside."
DongHae shook his head, but before HyukJae could whine some more at him gestured out at the horizon, where he had been looking. "It's pretty isn't it?" he murmured as HyukJae quieted. He hadn't noticed how the city looked, half covered in shadows, light shining and shimmering prettily against normally grey and ugly concrete.
Later that night, both boys were given ten sharps smacks to their hands with a hard, wooden ruler by the coordinator in charge of them, but went to bed all smiles.