Title: Bonding
Author: Angel Negra
Rating: PG
Season: SPD
Pairing: Syd/Z, pre-slash
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: It was the perfect plan, until it didn't work at all.
Author's Note: Written for
spdbabbler (based on the icon I'm using for this post), set around 'Beginnings parts 1 + 2'.
And fic... )
Comments 8
You should, your work finally got me to finish a femslash fic. :)
This was amazingly written. And I wish I knew a way to type the kind of sound I made while reading it.
*laughs* Thank you. :)
It is totally a Syd thing to do to try to get Z's attention. I could hear her voice throughout the entire thing. Excellent story!
Well, it helped that I had Kikos as a beta. But I'm glad you liked it. :)
My first *finished* one, yes.
Great Syd-voice, and I like the thread of frustration running through this.
Thank you. :)
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