Jun 05, 2005 23:08

I get a BMW! It's an old one, 1995 525i, all the bells and whistles. The only bummer is that it is black on black, leather interior. So needless to say, as soon as I take possession it is off to Auto Zone to get seat covers. If they don't have them, or at least ones I like, I'll just make my own. And now for the damn loan company to deposit into our account so I can go get it...

Been making costumes up the wazoo. I'll post pictures soon. We are going to the Colorado RenFest with friends this coming weekend. The last time we saw most of them was around this time last year when, curiously enough, we ALSO went to RenFest, right before we moved to California. This time though, we are going in costume, as a band of GYPSIES! The original plan called for just Christy and me to dress as gypsies on our own, but the guys decided they wanted to go in costume as well. We couldn't come up with any period costumes that aren't freakishly ugly on really tall, skinny guys with chicken legs (tights are a BIG no-go), we decided that gypsies would work for them too. I have decided to dub the guys the Poofy-Pants Brigade, otherwise known as the PPB. I am tempted to embroider this monogram on their clothing, but I think they would object. :-)
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