Looking for recs and an old fic...

Oct 19, 2009 18:44

I know it's been very quiet in here for a very long time, but I don't know where else to ask, and this seemed like as good a place as any.

Anyway, I'm looking for good Adam-centric gen fics. The era doesn't matter, but I'd prefer it if the fics didn't feature him paired up with anyone in any shape or form (I don't care for slash, and I especially don't care for him paired up with Tanya, both of which are sadly likely to eliminate a lot of what's out there), and that general PR canon plays at least some role in the story itself. Beyond those conditions, I'm not really too picky.

Also, there was a fic I read many, many years ago (before the FF.net boom) in which Adam was transported into a fantasy/Tolkien-esque world, and he had to overcome various challenges and self-doubts in order to return to the real world. The actual plot beyond that is hazy to me. I've looked all over what remains of the old fic archives, but I'm at a loss for the title, as well as the author. (I want to say SilvorMoon, but I could easily be misremembering.) If anyone knows what I might be talking about and if something like this might still exist anywhere online, I'd be very grateful. Recs for anything similar to this would be great too, since I love the fantasy angle of PR.

Thanks in advance to anyone who may be able to help me out.
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