Hair I am! haha

May 21, 2008 02:56

I just recently happened to see pictures of Elijah and I'm sorry guys, but he looks ridiculous with facial hair. Please tell me he's growing it for a role? In a few years he can make a Jack Sparrow- braid.

Speaking of silly hair... my hair is weird. I don't think you've ever seen me with really long hair because I haven't had really long hair since I was a teenager. It's VERY thick and VERY wavy/curly (yes, both), and after I blow dry my hair I look like...

... I don't know what I look like, but it's all fluffy and pointing in every direction...

... I love my long hair because it has finally reached a length where it looks good no matter what I do to it, but it can be extremely annoying too. We had a relatively warm period recently where my hair just made me sweaty, which in turn made my hair greasy... and it wasn't close to the heat we usually get in the summer. In the region I live it can get Really hot! I mean it's so hot that you can't stand being outside, but you can't stay inside either... you just want to find shade and drink a few bottles of water. :)

My point is that I keep my hair up because it's so warm, but I wouldn't want to cut it. It's a perfect length now, and I also know I'm not going back to fringe. It looked good at first, but then it just became annoying since my hair grows so fast. About two weeks after the cut the fringe was too long...

I do have to dye my hair though because the blonde roots are showing A LOT now. Or maybe I should let it grow and see what I'd look like with my natural hair colour. Haven't actually seen my natural hair colour in YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS! I know why I didn't like it though; my eyebrows are black and my eyes are dark. The hair on my head is the only hair that isn't black. ;) I'm weird like that.

Oh, I came up with a joke the other day.

Knock knock!
-Who's there?
-Al-Quaida who?

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