
Jul 15, 2011 08:27

warning: if you have anything to say that borders along the lines of stupid slut, dumb whore, or any other combination of words that insults my intelligence and is defeating then 1. don't read what i write and 2. don't comment. if you feel the need to, don't worry, go ahead, tell me what you think. but don't be suprised when our friendship is CANCELLED.

i'm allowed to write whatever i want. and i need to tell someone. or at least let the story be transported into this anonymous world to get it out of me.

you've read my entries, you know i don't care, you know i do whatever i want.

so what happened?

i think my inner crazy bad awesome spontaneous girl broke free a few weeks ago. it was an accident!! like when you keep your phone in your lap while you're driving, and then you get out of the car and SMACK!! there it goes on the pavement.. and you're like "SHIT!" but you pick it up and keep on going with your day.  it just happened! it just slipped out!! it was a boo boo!

i had the ultimate one night stand.

it started in the airport. a man sat next to me at the bar.  were both waiting for our flights and then discovered we were on the same one. my intended single glass of red wine to be enjoyed solo suddently turned into shots of patron with this man. before i knew it, it was time to board and he and i walked awkwardly to the gate where were greeted with a big red CANCELLED across the screen.

"don't worry, there's a chance you can make the next flight in time for your connections," we were told by the completely incompentent woman at the gate.

naturally, we headed back to the airport bar for one last drink before our quickly approaching next flight.

it was delayed. no way anyone was making a connection.

as first class passengers we were given hotel accomodations in the best hotel they could find (could this have been part of my demanding? woops).

limo to the hotel.

check into the hotel.

large suite? jacuzzi in the room? free round of drinks at the bar? check. check. check.
swoon? relax? drunker? check. check. check.
dignity? CANCELLED.

it's not hard to figure out what happened. we stayed until the bar closed downstairs. we talked about everything. flirted like it our last days. laughed at silly jokes. got intense about serious topics.
stumble upstairs into my jacuzzi.
giggles and splashes and bubbles galore.
then in one quick swoop he picked me up and carried me like a princess to the very large (and very comfortable) bed.

we were wet from the jacuzzi.

he was rough.

he knew i liked it. it was exactly what i wanted, exactly what i was craving.

we were on different flights in the morning.

i'm glad i didn't stay. no breakfast in bed or cuddling.

i left him sleeping in the room. no name. no number. no intentions.

but there was no way i could risk missing my connection ;)
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