Semi and how it turned out to be stupid

Dec 03, 2006 13:52

I swear to god. my life is like one of those pathetic soap operas, and im the character that things go stupidly wrong for. let me explain.
okay so i get there, and 15 mins after me comes the guy i like. so im excited, hoping he'll ask me or maybe gonna ask him i dunno. so then i see morgan and andrea go over to him and kayleen has to literally hold me back so i dont go killing them, claiming she's there to be the "distraction".
then morgan and andrea come back and tell me something not good. he doesnt "like me like that" and doesnt wanna dance with me. how's that for a dis?
later, though, kelly comes up to me and says, "matt wants to talk to you!!!!" and im like, okay, i walk over, being dragged by mary, and i walk up to him.
me: hello [using the special voice i only use when i'm furious at someone and dont want them to know]
him: sara
me: yes...[thinks: yes, i know my hair is curly, i'm in a dress and im wearing make-up, but i dont look that different, you blind baffoon...]
him: i like you, but i dont like you in that way.
me: okay [smiles]
him: so...are we good?
me: yeah. we're fine [walks away]

i have to say, i handled that nicely. but the fact that he apologized (in a way) and had the guts to come up to me on his own and explain things to me alone makes me realize...he really is the guy i thought he was. if he hadn't apologized i would have felt worse, but i would have been able to hate him cuz i knew he was a jerk...but he did apologize...which means he's not a jerk. actually he's a "nice dickhead" according to victoria, but i dont agree. he's one of those kids who can't not be nice. which is kind of annoying. cuz then i cant hate him.
anyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyway. the biggest thing i learned though from this is how many friends i actually have.

sara d
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