May 05, 2005 09:23
The Big 20, coming up for me the 14th. 20, what a useless age, no longer a teenager, yet not considered responsible enough to drink. O well, been doing a lot of thinking latley. Sometimes I just feel like I'm stuck in a dead end. I'm not sure what I should be working towards so that means I'm not working towards anything. I got so many things to decide on, not just in the long run, but right now too. My manager at McD's wants me to become a manager there. If I did that and still worked a couple night shifts there I'd be making 8/hr, def a lot less then what I'm aiming for, but not horrible. At the same time my dad offered me a decent deal for doing the fairs with him all summer. I'm not sure if I wanna do one of those, or keep looking for a better full-time job. McD's wouldn't be that bad if I start school again this fall, it would allow me a bit of flexibility, working the fairs would prob bring me a lot of money, but leave me with no job once school starts. Tough choice. Then in the long run I'm not sure what I want to be doing about future plans. I seem to be leaning towards criminal justice still, or should I try to get a really nice job somewhere and be able to get a place for me and Audrey. That's something I really need to start looking into more. Ahhhh, if only I could find that perfect job, steady schedule, morning to evening type thing, you know, like normal people. I was reading Laprade's and Biron's journal, nice to know some other people out there got the same type of shit to worry about, I guess we all sorta do.
Well, I got tickets to see Star Wars right when it comes out, midnight wed night, sorry but those tickets are prob already given out, but if anyone wants I got 3 extra for the 19th around 4. Just let me know if you wanna get in on that. Ozzfest tickets, don't know what I'm doing about those yet, hopefully I can get them for my B-day, cause I def wanna go to that. I havn't been to a concert in awhile, but I did get to see the Meta show at Pearl St. It was good to see everyone, everyone who were there anyway. Well, me and Audrey are going to Kentucky from the 13th to the 20 something. Gonna check it out down there, entertaining the idea of living down there, I'll have to get a good look around while I'm down there. Alright, well, that's enough updating for one day, see ya