They can't keep me down, though they try

Mar 27, 2008 12:01

I went back to the hospital. After a few days of being home, one night I got a horribly sick feeling in my stomach and a bad headache, I went to bed early hoping it would just go away but alas it just got worse and worse, it got to the point that I couldn't even hold down water and the headache didn't let up at all. Around 4am I had to wake up my Dad and have him take me to the ER. Turns out I had a pretty bad infection from the surgery so they immediatly put me on antibiotics, some medicine for nausia and pain killers and I got to spend two more glorious days in the hospital. Although this was a different kaiser hospital and I got my own room so it was certainly nicer than before. I am however very happy to be home once again! Hopefully this time to stay. Other than that I guess there's not really much, I will be spending my next few days on oral antibiotics and lounging around the house and with any luck doing absolutely nothing but getting better. Hope everybody else is doing well! Much love and best wishes.
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