apparently my life has became a drama. like seriously. so here, enjoy my ramblings about it
- drama turns reality was not supposed to be a freakin chaptered story. it was supposed to be a series of oneshot like my current 'walk away verse' (yes i call it that way, just because). it wasn't supposed to be this long and this detailed. i'm not really into detailed writings and you can see it right through everything i wrote. i'm serious.
- i'm seriously considering to convert it into a oneshot. so everything that i had written up until now will be summarizes and be put into it but in a different style of writing. but it's still in considering process so yeah i don't know whether i'll be doing it or not
- the most serious problem here is that i have too many things to do and too little time. i'm currently a junior in university and it's hard for me to keep writing in midst of hectic schedule (uni, part time job, assignments, house chores) but i'll try. seriously i'll try my best to keep writing when i have time. (well, i still have time now but i don't know, i just can't bring myself to write)
- for 'walk away verse' i actually have some ideas on how it would end but it's still vague. and therefore, i'm not sure when can i write the continuation. it was actually written in a whim. it wasn't supposed to be a verse, but then i found myself kept writing about that. apparently i can't leave krisyeol broken. but still, i don't know whether they'll be back together or no. and how long it would be.
- spoiler for 'walk away verse' : i will write about their background story. prepare yourself for fluffy-ness. haven't been writing fluff for a long time i wonder if i can still do that.
- spoiler for 'drama turns reality' : the date will be a lot more absurd than what you think. seriously.
- apparently my grammar fail is so embarrassing i need someone to be my beta-reader for as long as i write. if there is anyone who actually interested to, you can contact me.