Nov 29, 2005 23:36
So you know what's really fun? A long fucking day of working and then going straight to theater class rehearsal with some coffee and everyone won't shut up and it takes until almost 11:15, and then going to the grill because I left my students for choice binder there, and it isn't there, but guess who is! An adorable couple I see from far away, and the girl is really cute, and then they come closer and it's T. and the new girl he isn't quite seeing, but probably is now, coming to hang out at the grill. And i just feel tired and ugly because I had a long day, and he looked cute and I'm not with him. Of my own volition. And of my own volition, I have missed him for the last month or so, once I got over being mad at him for being insensitive. So I feel disgusting. Perhaps it's not entirely true that once you're not with someone anymore, you stop finding them attractive. But I guess I just feel so replaced. And I don't like that feeling at all.