Meme the First
puffs Reply to this post, and I'll tell you at least one reason why I like you. Then put this in your own journal, and spread the love.
Meme the Second
flashily There's this Female Character Flowchart out there that I'm sure most of you have heard of already. If you haven't, let me sum it up for you: basically, all fictional female
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That flow chart really was frustrating in its wrongheadedness. I posted the bulk of my thoughts about it in someone else's thread - over here if you're curious. On the plus side, though, I've seen several more people on my f-list react by fangirling on their favourite female characters, so that's cool! :D
Such nice-lookig icons you have! And so maaany. Hm, maybe I should shell out for more icons... after I've renewed my paid memebership which is due soon. (This time I shall pay for it myself!)
Oh, I wanted to ask you something. Have you read the latest chapters of One Piece?
Yes. I said above somewhere, but I think what bothered me most was how the chart was presented as being feminist, yet then proceeded to reduce so many multi-faceted characters into a simple stereotype each, which often is a stretch to even make fit-just ugh.
Thanks! I have spaces for some more, which now that I am trying to use my LJ more again, I will probably try to fill.
Yes, I have! Haha, armed guards couldn’t keep me from reading the new chapters when they go up. I just tend to do most of my flailing about them either on IM or on Twitter lately.
Aaaand. I’m going to do the meme for you anyway. Though…I’m not even sure what you like to be called yet. ANYWAY. I like reading your thoughts on various subjects, because what I’ve seen often seems very well-thought out and eloquent, and sometimes gives me a new perspective on things.
Um, thank you! Those were very kind words. I often just feel like I'm blathering on very unstructuredly when I post. ;)
It's okay to just call me by my username. (It's actually the name of one of my original comics characters, who isn't my alter ego by any stretch - but I've gotten used to it as an LJ handle by now.)
Random question: how would "serrende" be pronounced? Not that I'm likely to ever have to say it out loud; I just like to have these things straight in my head. I can think of two alternatives, but my brain is also very English-pronunciation biased, so...I could be way off anyway.
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