Sigh. Yeah, it's been kind of forever. Or so it feels to me. Still no internet connection to call my own (I'm at the library again), but there's a glimmer of hope that I'll have at least dial-up soonish. DSL has spoiled me, but it's much better than nothing.
Thank you to everyone who mailed cards & gifts! I'd list you all by name, but I don't have them here and my memory is bad. They were all much appreciated, though. ♥ And once again, please let me know if I've missed anything you'd like me to see by commenting. I'm afraid that's the only way I'll find out, since I can go for long stretches now without seeing the flist page.
Hmm. I haven't got much exciting to talk about. I am feeling inspired to actually write again, so with luck I'll be more productive again on the fanfic front. I still owe an Inuyasha flashfic, and I've got a few WIPs I am feeling interested in again.
As far as actual productivity goes, I finished a short one-shot for
esotaria in
bleach_yurithon (Orihime/Tatsuki; hard R):
Coming Clean.
I also did a secret Santa drawing for
sexyblack (human Inuyasha/Kagome; mild nudity):
I hope things have been going well for all of you. I miss reading your entries. ♥