Memo 001: Meet the Assistant.

Sep 12, 2011 11:56

A. Action for 1337 Benny Road ( Read more... )

intro, mayfield

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prpl_assistant September 12 2011, 12:21:01 UTC
[In the end, Miss Pauling takes 20 minutes before she stumbles downstairs, still very, very confused. She's, for once, not wearing anything purple, and instead is wearing a lavender shirt with a blue skirt. She's wearing the new glasses she found as well, having given up locating her usual ones.

It was bad enough that she wakes up in a bad that does not belong to her (she's not that kind of girl!!). Things get even more complicated when she hears sound coming from the kitchen.]

H-hello? Who's there?

[Secretly though, she grabs one of the ornaments lying around the house and lays in wait around the corner. If this person has kidnapped her, than he is going to pay for making her late for work. The moment he steps out of the kitchen, she's going to bring the piece of house decor right down on his head.]


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prpl_assistant September 12 2011, 12:48:01 UTC
[That voice. She KNOWS that voice. Still keeping the golf trophy though, just in case.]

Mr.Mundy? Is


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prpl_assistant September 12 2011, 13:02:01 UTC

[She heads into the kitchen and sure enough, there's the RED Sniper, in the middle of cooking breakfast. She approaches him carefully, until she's right in front of him.]

Mr Mundy, if you are the real him...I'm very sorry about this.

[There goes the golf trophy, aimed right at his head. She's swinging with all her strength too.]


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prpl_assistant September 12 2011, 14:06:58 UTC
[Immediately, she drops the trophy down like it's a hot potato.]

You ARE the RED Sniper! Oh my God I am really, really sorry about hurting you, I didn't mean to! Is there a first-aid kit somewhere?


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prpl_assistant September 12 2011, 23:22:06 UTC
Miss Pauling waited until the Sniper was done with the ice before she started eating breakfast. Some part of her mind screamed at her for how surreal the whole thing was, and another part was berating her for sharing a meal with the RED, for disobeying the Administrator. I take it that you didn't kidnap me here?


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prpl_assistant September 13 2011, 01:24:18 UTC
[When the Sniper's done, she sits there picking through the remains of breakfast with her fork. She's still trying to process all that he's told her, but it is a lot to handle. Things like drones, the Mayor, Lucy Smith, milk...

Wait. Her fork hovered over the plate as the realisation suddenly sank in. If what the Sniper was saying was true, that she was in a simulation of some sort, and that she was supposed to play the role of the "housewife"...]

Does...does this mean I'm your...wife?

[The last words comes out as practically a squeak. The Administrator was so going to kill her; instead of being friends, she was now somehow married instead! ]


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prpl_assistant September 13 2011, 01:52:57 UTC
Oh, ok. That's...that's a big relief. Not that you wouldn't make a good, umm, husband, I guess, but you know the company policy. No friendships allowed between civilian staff and mercenaries. I don't want to think what the Administrator will do to the both of us if this ever got out, alternate reality or not! And thanks for the offer. But where do you sleep then?

So, there are more BLUs than REDs than? How has that worked out for all of you?

(She's doing to be careful about this; in such close proximity of all the other mercenaries, there's a real danger she might grow attached to them. Especially the RED Sniper, seeing as they would be living together.)


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prpl_assistant September 13 2011, 02:06:16 UTC
Unofficial ceasefire. Right.

(She wonders whether she should comment on the whole "no best-buds" thing between the teams, but for now she decides she'll hold her tongue and wait it out. Besides, it would make it easier for all of them to get out if they weren't busy trying to blow each other up on a daily basis.)

Well, thanks very much for the meal. I'll do the dishes, it's only fair that we share the chores, seeing as we're living in the same house now.


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