Memo 004: Thank Yous and Loose Ends (Backtrack to day after zombie outbreak ends)

Sep 25, 2011 15:05

A. Phone (Filtered away from The Doctor, The Major and Schrodinger)

Thank you to everyone who came by the hospital and defended it. It wasn't easy, but we did it, and I'm really grateful for everyone's cooperation.

B. Phone (filtered to both the RED Spy and the BLU Spy)Would it be possible for me to see the two of you today? Sometime before lunch ( Read more... )

blusniper, redspy, teamfortress2, info, susanstohelit, bluspy, mayfield

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E letunityblossom September 25 2011, 06:55:03 UTC
[Since they've only spoken over the phone, Lithuania doesn't recognize her on sight. Still, she does look like she's not a drone, at least.]

Good morning, miss.


prpl_assistant September 25 2011, 06:57:07 UTC
(She looks up from the address she had written up. That voice did sound somewhat familiar, but she can't place it at the moment...)

Oh, good morning sir. I don't suppose you know where this address is? I was given directions, but I'm still a bit loss. I need to get to 726 Anderson Lane.


letunityblossom September 25 2011, 07:06:10 UTC
[He's sure he's heard that voice not too long ago... Of course, with all the zombies, he's been a bit distracted.]

Let's see, Anderson Lane would be two blocks that way. This place can be hard to navigate, with everything looking so similar.

[He points to clarify.]


prpl_assistant September 25 2011, 07:08:50 UTC
Oh, I see now. Thanks very much sir. I'm still trying to get used to this place; all the houses look so similar that it's difficult to tell them apart.


letunityblossom September 25 2011, 07:10:21 UTC
I got lost all the time when I first arrived. A map helps, and sometimes things get changed that are easy to spot.


prpl_assistant September 25 2011, 07:10:53 UTC
Have you been here long then, Mr...?


letunityblossom September 25 2011, 07:12:02 UTC
Lithuania. I arrived in January. There are plenty of people who've been here longer than that, though.


prpl_assistant September 25 2011, 07:13:25 UTC
(She blinks in surprise.)

Mr Lithuania? I believe I may have spoken to you over the phone around a week ago. I'm Miss Pauling, and it's a pleasure to finally meet you face to face.

(She extends a hand.)


letunityblossom September 25 2011, 07:16:01 UTC
Oh, Miss Pauling!

[He shakes her hand.]

I'm sorry I didn't recognize you, it's been a bit hectic lately. How did you fare through the zombies?


prpl_assistant September 25 2011, 07:18:33 UTC
That's not a problem at all, Mr Lithuania. After all, we've never met personally before.

I was fortunate enough to have a few people protect me, thankfully. I'm actually on the way to thank one of them for her assistance.


letunityblossom September 25 2011, 07:23:26 UTC
[His expression clouds slightly at the mention of protection--he failed to protect two of his own housemates--but he brightens up again quickly.]

That explains why you were asking directions. I don't want to keep you if you have somewhere to be.


prpl_assistant September 25 2011, 07:25:42 UTC
(She notices the slight change in expression.)

No, I have a few minutes to spare.

How about you Mr Lithuania? Were you alright during the zombie outbreak?


letunityblossom September 25 2011, 07:27:43 UTC
I was fine, I didn't run into anything too bad--comparatively, I mean. Hopefully nothing will happen for a while, now.


prpl_assistant September 25 2011, 07:31:00 UTC

(She tilts her head slightly, her eyebrows raised questioningly.)

Were you attacked, Mr Lithuania?


letunityblossom September 25 2011, 07:33:06 UTC
Well, I did spend time walking around town, so it was inevitable. But I heard a bit about armies of zombies at the hospital and the like, and I didn't run into anything like that, so it could have been worse.


prpl_assistant September 25 2011, 07:35:47 UTC
Yes, it could definitely have been worse.

(Now that she's finally met Mr Lithuania, she can get an answer to one of the questions she's had ever since she found out about the personifications of the countries.)

Excuse me Mr Lithuania, I hope you don't mind me asking, but I was just wondering whether you know of a certain Mr Russia and Ms Ukraine?


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