
Nov 27, 2007 18:16

where will i be nov. 27 2008? 
Will i have accomplished more than what i've desired?
Who will i meet by then? I wonder what is the average percentage of people you meet per year.

I was thinking and i only calculated from senior year high school 2004 till today.. I have met an average 500 new souls. Some have come to stay others have come and left ( everything kinda reflects itself on sex at the end of the day).

Its only my curiosity wild mind and my wonderying.
How many people will i have met the last day of my life. How will i meet them? Who will stick by? Who will just pass by? All interesting questions with out exactly an answer... But i always like to wonder. lol

Well the ones that have sticked on by.. I wish them to stay. You all make me who i am some how..
but if you have to go for what ever reason it maybe../ (not death) you are more than welcome to.
You probably are not meant to be here.

well back to work..
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