on gender fail, in general. And tv renewals.

May 15, 2009 22:16

So, apparently, Dollhouse has been renewed. I...shouldn't be depressed by this news because I can always just, you know, not watch. But...sigh. It's hard to put in words, but this, along with the new wave of Gender Fail on "Supernatural" is depressing me. Who wants to bet "Supernatural" is totally getting renewed, too ( Read more... )

women in fiction, supernatural, gender fail, dollhouse, gender issues

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prozacpark May 17 2009, 00:55:05 UTC
Firstly, just the fact that you know of the existence of "The Inside" and "Wonderfalls" alone is sort of filling me with love. ;)

"Buffy" was, really, one of the few heroines we had whose power didn't come from some tragic past wherein she was abused sexually and physically, so the fact that they retconned the getting of Slayer powers to be a rape metaphor? Fail on such a major level that I really don't understand how anyone who loved the first five seasons can reconcile the last two with what came before. The last two seasons undo so much of what "Buffy" was good at, and yes, Joss has consistently failed since then. First on "Angel," then X-men, and now on "Dollhouse."

And the thing is, I don't think he's actually...doing this on purpose? But when someone who is a self-proclaimed feminist fails at gender issues *this* much, what can we expect from the rest of them? It's depressing, really.

I don't watch "Smallville," but I did hear about the Chloe/Davis fail. Though it was mostly in the context of shipper woe at its ending. If you decide to write about the gender fail in it, I would definitely be interested in that meta. :)

"It was so satisfying watching Dean twist the knife in Ruby"

t's not just that they die, but the fact that canon is so disgustingly gleeful about their very gendered deaths and that the fans cheer this? Is wrong on a million different levels.


arby_m May 17 2009, 01:48:06 UTC
Firstly, just the fact that you know of the existence of "The Inside" and "Wonderfalls" alone is sort of filling me with love. ;)

Awwww, I was so happy to see someone talking about The Inside - almost as much as I was to see critical analysis of Dollhouse on the massive gender fail.

I go back and forth about Joss's intentions and lack of self-awareness. How could he possibly not see it? I don't understand.

when someone who is a self-proclaimed feminist fails at gender issues *this* much, what can we expect from the rest of them?

If by "them" you mean men then yeah - the answer is, we can't. We need to look to women to step up to the challenge. (Which is why Eliza Dushku's betrayal in Dollhouse hurts almost worse than Joss's. I wasn't expecting much from Joss after Dr. Horrible.)

Smallville - I was going to write about in context with the Dollhouse finale and SPN mega-fail. Basically they used Chloe as a pawn in the Clark/Davis struggle, in a particularly unpleasant way. Davis claimed he couldn't be away from her (literally and physically - like when she went out he came after her) and then she agreed to run off with him to protect Clark because Doomsday's destiny is supposedly to kill Superman. The abusive boyfriend metaphor made me ill. It's like Clark and Davis are two sides of the same coin - Superman vs. Doomsday - and she's giving in to the dark, controlling aspect of the man deliberately, in order to "save" the good side. So much wrong.

canon is so disgustingly gleeful about their very gendered deaths and that the fans cheer this

YES. That is exactly what I meant.


meganbmoore May 17 2009, 01:51:50 UTC
Many replies to my Dollhouse posts pained me beyond words. Not to mention the few times I liked into the actual fandom. (Like, Topher seems to be the most popular character? HOW?? I mean, how can people like a guy who gets off on the idea of programming people to do whatever another person wants?)


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