Guess Where I Am?

Nov 21, 2006 09:56

Heres a hint, im going to post a long, rambling post.

If you guessed contracts, you are right.

Way to go, you are smart.

Last weekend was great.

Steven Colbert is a genius.

My body really hated me from last weekend. Friday Night, pre-party, drink at colbert, house party. I made hunch punch for the first time in years. It brought back memories.

Saturday night. Drinking. Hangingout with friends. More drinking. Pass out. Its fun.

I have absolutely no idea what my contracts prof is talking about. But what else is new?

My sis is picking me up this afternoon to head home for thanksgiving. I look forward to seeing my family, but i really hate being at home. At least ill be back on friday to see the game on saturday.

The weather outside is absolutely beautiful. nice and cold. its great with my warm fluffy bed.

Speaking of which, i rolled out of bed 5 minutes before class. and i hear it calling me back.

A guy just got up and walked out of class. So my prof stopped class to embarass him. It was very funny.

Im very much looking forward to next semester. Con Law and Crim Law. Oh yeah bitches. No more Civ pro!!!!! yay!!!!

That, and I am not looking forward to the holidays. The holidays always depress me, since i associate them with death in the family. Last christmas rocked, it was really good and fun and drunkeness. It wont be as good this year. I can just feel it.

"If the second writing is integrated, it discharges the first writing." -- God, why am I in law school?

Oh yeah, its because i look good in a suit.
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