Hanging Ten With My Flyboys

Dec 11, 2005 15:32

Ok, listen up people because I am about to rock your tiny little pedestrian kumquat sized minds with an idea of such massive megaimportant importance that you may be reduced to a pool of foul smelling gunk on the floor. Ready? No, of course you arent ready but i guess you're as ready as its likely you're going to be, so brace yourself and try not to relinquish bowel control.

A Christmas Dinner! Imagine a night so splendid and fantabulous that Angels would descend from heaven in stockings and suspenders with Flying V's in banana yellow, Reindeer would immediately sprout afros and rock the shit out and Jesus would look down with a mega 50's quiff and do the Fonze double thumb "eehh" in approval. Yeah, thats right.......banana yellow!

All we need to decide is a venue (that's the place where it happens Martyn) and a date (that's the date it happens Martyn).

I realise that most of the people reading this will think 'Andrew, my pants are wet with excitement at the idea of this evening imbued with the very essence of rockocity, naturlich. I didnt even imagine in my wildest dreams that I was sufficiently ghettofabulous to attend such a star studded sexathon. However, I am a cockface and for some reason will try and make this difficult!' To these people I reply 'Dont be a cockface and try and make this difficult!'.

Post below with suggestions of venue and date and we'll hammer out the details from there. Don't let me down!
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