Hin und Zuruck - Einen Andreas' Erzählung
My holiday was totally rocking! Whilst all you feeble people were contending with snow and other shiznit, i was in my shorts on a beach getting roasted by the sun!
Ha! Take that fuckmuppets!
Went to a restaurant on an active volcano and ate food cooked over lava, which is always good!
(Just in case you are having trouble visualising it!)
We took a boat over to morocco and had a mooch about which was bizarre but kinda cool. There wasn't actually much to see where we went, but saw some dolphins and other fishy things on the way and spent an hour on the beach there! (Dolphins are just big fish!)
Bill and I got asked to leave a golf course for punting balls in their lake and racing their golf carts which was nice!
Plus i totally rode a camel (not in any kind of sexual way!)
(Camel shown is not necessarily camel ridden. Copyright my ass Gareth!)
I also have some kick-ass presents for those that think they deserve them so post a comment saying why you should get one and it will be considered!
(NB: Please note that all presents have already been assigned and that this exercise is utterly pointless and solely for humiliation purposes)
Dare say i will see most of you painfully soon!
Love you lots and jellytots
x x x x