I don't update for ages, then I hit you with this

Aug 21, 2006 03:30

Ok, just finished watching Skeleton Key and man was it a good movie! It's been so long since I watched any movie that actually kept me guessing right to the end - and it was so bloody good! Good enough to warrent a mention in my LJ. I was expecting the usual stupid somewhat cheesy, sex-filled crap you get in thrillers but I was pleasently suprised ^_^ I'm not gonna say anything more though, if you wanna see it in all it's nifty glory, watch it.

Also, Airplane rocks. Leslie Neilson, I salute you ^_^V

And even though most people have heard this already - I HATE STOCKTAKING!!!!! Seriously, I want to kill whoever decided today (yesterday) was a good day to do it - "Hey, you know what'd be good for shits n' giggles? Stocktaking on a Sunday! And not just any Sunday, oh no, lets make it the last Sunday before all the schools go back! That way the centre will be really busy! And so will the shop! It'll be hilarious watching them all run off their little feet between facing up and checkouts and having stocktakers get in their way and force them to find alternate roots for the customer with the wheelchair - hilarious!"

Then we finally get all the fuckers customers out of the shop and close up. We are shipped off to the security room to do checks of the stocktakers lists against what-we-should-have lists. Of course, just to make it a little bit harder, lets put a huge fucking space between the barcode/product description and the quantity so that the people checking have to squint and try and line up the right stuff.

Finished with the security room? Out on to the shop floor! Fragrance was nice and easy, but then there was cosmetics. Cosmetics. I hate cosmetics. I hate being put in cosmetics. I hate customers asking me about cosmetics and which I think they should use or which would look best on them (I'm not your personal fucking stylist, people -_-). Most of all though, I hate stocktaking cosmetics. We get given our stupid check sheet, except that none of the stuff is in anything resembling real order and you're jumping all over the Collection 2000 mascaras trying to find "______ black 1" only to dicover that there are five different black 1 Collection 2000 mascaras with different barcodes and that some fucker customer decided it would be fun to mix things up in the five minutes before you closed. But you find the one you're looking for and write up that there are seven of them, not two. Then you get four items down the list only to discover that same mascara again, and down another few and another few until you eventually end up with a total of seven. Sometimes more, sometimes less. My check sheet was a mess and I was so gladd I finished it right at quitting time...

... *stabs stupid stocktake decider in the eye with a blunt spork*

One of the other annoying things about stocktake is that when you're facing up you have to check that every product behind the one at the front is the same so the stocktakers can just scan and count, and since I was doing suncare I had to pull everything off the shelves to check their factors. This got boring after a while, so I decided that it would be fun to hae the bottles leap to their death from the shelves into the basket I was dumping their bodies in. They screamed and everything ^_^ I'm not sure if the boys in foodzone heard me or not...

So yeah... had a really weird dream about Lost last night. Jack found some stash of papers that had all these crazy revelations on them. Did you know that despite the fact he dropped out of school in the ninth grade that Sawyer somehow has a PhD in maths? 'cause according to my dream he does. And in my dream this means that Jack expects Sawyer to be able to fix him when he stabs a pen into his throat O_o He's not that kind of doctor - you're that kind of doctor! Then Jack gets all crazy about some history he finds out he had with Libby.

And (for all the one people who will know what any of this means) for some reason there was some Bijou stuff there on the island aswell. Including Cobalt and Jade. Except the power dynamic was reversed and Jade was all crazy dominant and telling Cobalt how he was gonna make him have sex with Topaz and rubbing it in his face that he was going to let him get fucked by a barbarian. Wtf head? As hot as that would probably be, wtf?

movies, rant, work

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