Your head will collapse, there's nothing in it and you'll ask yourself......

Apr 03, 2008 01:46

Where is my mind?

I just watched The Pixies live on youtube. I totally forgot just how amazing and forward thinking their songs are. I mean they're the only 80's I know that aren't thought of with cheesy nostalgia. I'm so lucky that I managed to see them twice on their "We're doing this for the money" reunion tour. Even if Harry's girlfriend passed out from dehydration halfway during their set at the Reading festival. The stewards did let us sit on the disabled stage, which made up for it. I remember singing my heart out to Where is my mind, the air was cold and the lights were bright. That memory is gonna stay with me forever, no matter how much I obliterate my brain.

And then I heard James Blunt cover it. It's a fucking abortion. It should have never happened.

But that can't stop how I feel right now. It reminds me of why I got into music in the first place. The hair standing on the back of my neck, my chaotic manic mind shuts off for the duration and I fall into the sound and get overwhelmed. Same feeling I get every time I put on Nirvana (which I don't do that often for fear of losing said feeling) However Kurt's death thingy is coming up so I probably will. The only time when I really do play it is when I'm filled with doubt for my future, I am of course in an industry that does not need me and could spit me out at any time. But Smells like teen spirit fills always fulls me with faith, and reassures me that yes, I did make the right choice. I followed my heart and not my head. (my head was telling me Medical school, like every other family member of my generation pretty much)

Anyway where is my mind isn't even my favorite pixies song. That honor is reserved for Gouge away. For a song about Samson and Delilah it sure is powerful, as is Frank Black's voice (We share the same birthday don't ya know) He can go from whispering to screaming in a heartbeat, and that's hard to do without sounding like a shitty emo vocalist.

If you don't know the song then go listen!

image Click to view

Also as a bonus, Nirvana's best ever live performance. (On SNL no less)

image Click to view

So my question to you dear LJ friends, what songs make you feel this way?
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