What I've learned this week...

Dec 09, 2005 20:05

1. I'm invincible. I've done every single no-no on the "Wisdom Teeth Extraction Sheet" (smoking, drinking, eating whatever) and suffered no consequences. I really wasn't going to drink, but we had a keg just sitting here left over from the wedding and invited a few people over, and then a few more, and a few more, and what the hell was I supposed to do? Keg party at my house and not drink? My stitches were removed today and Dr. K says everything looks great.

2. Warm water is a vital ingredient to warm-salt water rinses. On this note, I should include: 3. My work has two water temperatures: Cool and Cold. So put 2 and 3 together and they equal bad breath for me. My left upper extraction healed a bit funny (huge indentation, but Dr. K says that it is still swollen and will reduce in size) and I constantly have food caught in it. Even with warm water, it takes rinsing 4-6 times to get food out of the crater in my mouth.

3. I am a Chrysler car expert. I googled "cracked flex plate" and came across a decent peer support car forum. I've driven 4 Chrysler's in my life (2 were mine) and have been there, done that. I felt like a genius and I have no car know-how once so ever!

4. While leads us to four. My car may have a cracked flex plate. However, it will take me $150 to find out for sure, and this does not include the repair portion. Shit.

5. My mom is funny when she's drunk. I already knew this, but... She doesn't get drunk often and it is hilarious to listen to. She actually asked me to bring some Vicodin home with me for Christmas because she heard it was good and has never had one. Note: My mother (while liberal in politics) is a very conservative, God fearing woman.

6. Having stitches removed does not hurt. I always thought that it would and was braced for pain today.

7. Vicodin is for weekends only. It appears that I have a hit-and-miss reaction to Vicodin. Sometimes it knocks me out and sometimes it is like Cocaine in pill form. I never know what it is going to be.
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