Title: What You Deserve
Fandom: The Avengers movieverse
Pairing: Bruce Banner/Tony Stark
Rating: Teen
Warnings: none
Here in full. "If there was anything Bruce missed while out on the run, it would be the science lab. ... SHIELD started taking his creations away once he was finished. ... [Bruce got] ...into the habit of handing it over- and after a particularly grueling day, he and Stark huddle in a lab, using SCIENCE to cure their woes, and on his way out, with a brand new formula, he hands it over to Tony.
Tony get the story and is pissed. Especially when he remembers his own reason for donning the Iron Man suite."
Disclaimer: All characters and associated places/things/etc. within the Marvel universe belong to their respective owners, none of which are me. I don't currently have any chicken phaal either, given my pescetarianism. Agent Kirby is a reference to Jack Kirby the Marvel creator, and not Kirby the video game character. While I'm at it, I also don't own that character or any related video game characters.
Author's Notes: Very very quickwrite. Wanted to write some more Bruce/Tony before I went to bed (at almost six in the morning, hum), so it may be riddled with errors my sleep-addled mind isn't picking up. If you, the dear reader, spot any please feel free to point them out so I can fix them.
As always, comments and constructive criticism are loved and adored and appreciated and all those positive words that basically mean I'm happy someone's bothering to read my writing.
Please enjoy.
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"That won't be necessary, Dr. Banner."
Bruce blinked, and looked down at the data pad in his hand and back up again at the SHIELD employee. The man began inching away, looking for all the world like a scared bunny and not a highly-trained military operative. Clearing his throat, Bruce tried to sound as non-threatening as possible. "I'm sorry Agent Kirby, come again?"
Good lord. The SHIELD employee was literally shaking in his boots. "We won't be needing you to hand over your work anymore." He looked over Bruce's shoulder and the scared look on his face turned into alarm. "Thank you for your time, Dr. Bruce. We'll also be giving all the research you've done back to you in the next few days. You can expect... someone else... to be coming around with the files soon." With that the man was off and walking briskly down the hallway, brushing past other operatives who simply gave him confused stares.
Bruce raised an eyebrow and turned around, spotting Tony Stark heading his way. Upon seeing Bruce acknowledge him the man gave a grin and slapped his shoulder.
"I don't suppose you have any idea what that was all about."
The grin froze on Tony's face, before slipping into something more contrite. "I had no idea SHIELD was forcing you to give them your work. It pissed me off, and when I went to meet with that jackass you were talking to I... embellished the truth a bit and said some things."
Bruce's other eyebrow rose, and he almost dreaded asking his next question. "What things?"
Tony shifted, and it was odd to see the normally confident man act like a kid caught with his hands in the cookie jar. "The words 'Doctor Bruce Banner is getting angry you're taking his work, and you won't like him when he's angry' may have come up at one point, along with other insinuations you would use your fists of green fury to pummel Kirby into the ground if he attempted to take your formulas again."
Bruce sighed. "That's all you told him?"
Tony smiled wide, relieved. "Yeah. That's all I--wait. What? What do you mean that's all I told him?"
"I'm used to people thinking I'll turn into the Other Guy at any moment. I won't, but I'm used to it," Bruce gave a self deprecating laugh, "I was just worried SHIELD thought my research didn't have any merit or something."
It was Tony's turn to lose his eyebrows in his hairline, as impressive a feat as that was. Bruce tried not to start as Tony placed a hand on his shoulder, frowning at him. "Hey. You shouldn't be used to it, and you shouldn't worry that your research isn't good or that anyone else may think so."
Bruce scoffed and wrung his hands together out of nervous habit, but Tony moved his own hand from Bruce's shoulder to grasp Bruce's jaw and make him look straight into his eyes. "When you handed me what you had done yesterday, I took a look before I turned into my own version of a rage monster and gave Kirby a hard time. Your work is brilliant, maybe even more so than my own. And trust me, I wouldn't just say that to make you feel better." Tony's voice grew softer even as he displayed his trademark cockiness, and his fingers absently drifted down to rub Bruce's neck. Bruce stayed extraordinarily still, trying not to break the moment. "What you've done since you started working in the R&D lab is great, and you deserve to keep control over it."
The words had an immediate effect on Bruce, and before he could lose his nerve he pulled Tony in and kissed him soundly on the lips. They stayed, frozen like that right in the middle of the hallway for at least a minute, and Bruce felt panic bubbling up before Tony pressed his lips back against Bruce's before breaking away.
Tony grinned like the cat who ate the canary, and just said, "So... You up for chicken phaal? I've never had it, but I hear it's spicy."
Bruce laughed, kissing Tony briefly and sweetly before responding. "Yes. I've had it. It's very spicy."
One more kiss, this one sinfully deep and filled with a promise of many more to come, and as Bruce broke away he could see Tony's eyes glazing slightly. "And yes, I'd love to."