ugh lets see here.
-Classical Piano audition is next month! Wish me luck, Ive been working on these pieces hardcore. If I pass the audition im able to minor in piano composition! My dreams are still a struggle, but im fighting my way through it.
-After this last physics class I will be done with all my pre reqs ive ever needed. Then I can start in the studio hopefully by the fall!
-Ive been holding all that down, and maintainging a full time job @ ! Under the famous chef Kevin Rathbun. I might be getting a new job though @ red fish, a brand new upscale joint opening up down here.
-I spent all weekend working on physics and when I get done writing this I will be indulging back into the grandeous splendor of Opitcal Physics w00t.
-On another creative tip, I actually started working on my romantic novel, of course Im only 10 pages into it, but I have suceeded in maintaing a true to life introduction, and will continue thus forth. When I cant pump out ideas for the book, I just switch up to abstract writing and poems. (Favorite pastime : Sitting on the steps outside of school writing as people pass me by.)
-I have been a bit of a homebody lately due to all the work and stress, but Im becoming even more creative with things. But being a homebody def. doenst stop me from collecting records... damn Ive been finding all kinds of jackpot record stores. I just bought a few surf compilations for my gig on the 11th! Oh yes, I forgot to say... Im opening for Danny Tha Wildchild @ the masquerade on the 11th if anyone is interested, ten bux and hes a world famous headliner.
-Missed out on the Of Montreal show last night, but I heard it sucked from a few ppl, so in a way im glad I missed it.
-Animal Collective on 3/19 and World of Drum N Bass on 3/24 w00t.
-Spending my spring break/birthday studying piano, writing some music and smoking some cheeba.
-Sorry to all my friends who dont even know I exsist. I stil love all you bastards. :( Even my girlfriend hasnt seen me in over a week!