Title: All Is Fair In Love and War
Rating: Mature
Relationships: ProwlxJazz
Characters: Prowl, Jazz, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Hound, Smokescreen, Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Ironhide, Mirage
Continuity: Transformers All Media Types; Transformers G1
Prompt: All is fair in love and war - nine times Prowl and Jazz played a dirty tricks on each other or the Decepticons
Summary: Jazz and Prowl start out as mortal enemies, but neither will readily admit that this adversity lead to a strange undeniable attraction. Or even, dare they say it, love? In other words, the time Prowl and Jazz went from bitterly detesting the other to exchanging sweet nothings through nine dirty tricks. All is fair in love and war, right baby?
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