Title: Camaraderie: The Secret-Keeper: Part 4/5 (because livejournal made me split the chapter)
Universe: Alignment/IDW AU, Camaraderie/Trinkets 'verse
Rating: PG-13, to be on the safe side
Characters: Jazz, Prowl, Various Autobot Officers
Warning: woefully unbeta'd mentions of violence (semi-graphic), mentions of death, angst, bad bots doing bad things, explorations of sleep deprivation, sleep debt, withdrawal and PTSD.
Notes: To everyone who has read and reviewed this story even while I was pretty much disappeared, thank you! Honestly, it pushed me to finish this chapter, because I had some pretty wild writer's block going on. This is the end of the Secret-Keeper arc, but definitely not the end of Camaraderie, or Trinkets for that matter! Actually, this last installment of Secret-Keeper is meant to set up the next chapter of Camaraderie so, yeah, hopefully it won't be another year before I post again (sheesh!) I apologize profusely once more for the heinous lateness of this!
Please don't let me sleep, for I know what I'll see when I dream