Challenge entries - February 2015

Jan 28, 2015 23:48

With only a few days left before the February of festivals begins; here are some things to make sure you're aware of for the challenge.
  1. Submit all your entries to the community email address: this mod will post all entries to preserve anonymity. (Anonymous posting is disabled for this community) Every entry will have the correct author tag added once the voting has ended.
  2. Do NOT post your entry anywhere else until after the voting has completed at the end of February. If you do you forfeit being entered into the prize draw voting.
  3. All fics must be 500 words minimum. No maximum word count!
  4. Your entries must involve prowl or jazz or prowl and jazz as a couple.
  5. Have fun!
If there are any questions please comment on this post, but don't mention which days or prompts you have chosen to preserve anonymity.

Mod addendum - I will not be able to post fics between the dates of 17th - 21st of February as I'll be in Bali for Chinese New Year. If the fics are sent in early, I will post early, if not I'll post them when I return. It only currently affects 4 of you.

Happy writing! :D

mod post: rules, challenge: february 2015

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