Bingo Challenge Response: Echoes

Sep 29, 2014 20:08

And finally, for prompts five, six and seven....

Title:             Echoes
Author:          zea_taylor
‘Verse:          G1, sequel to ‘ Fall’
Rating:          T/PG-13
Characters:   Jazz/Prowl, Bluestreak
Warnings:      angst, fluff

New discoveries can bring to life echoes of times past. The only choice is whether to fear the memories, or embrace them.

Author’s Note:
Written for the prowlxjazz community’s Anniversary Bingo Challenge. Each chapter is inspired by one prompt, posted by wicked3659. Thanks, credit and acknowledgement also go to whitefirebird, who suggested this premise in a comment on my earlier fic ‘Fall,’ and was kind enough to beta the result. This sequel is set many vorns later, after the Ark arrives on Earth. Comments and suggestions for improvement are always very welcome!

Part One: Remembering Times Past
Part Two: Secrets
Part Three: Music    (all on my own journal)

prowlxjazz: 14, rated pg13, anniversary bingo challenge 2014, fan fiction: 2014, tf-g1: 13-14, poster: zea_taylor

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