Aftermath Chapter 10

Jan 23, 2014 09:08

Since silber has some trouble with her internet connection she has kindly asked me to link up her update here :)

Author: silberstreif
Universe: Till all are one
Beta: Starfire201
Continuation: AU, G1
Genre: Adventure, drama
Warning: none
Characters: Rook, Bluestreak, mentions of others

Summary: Again he had to clamp down on the surging battle protocols. Nothing would be worse than to kill a mech who had done nothing but state his job in front of a good dozen of witnesses. He sighed deeply. "I guess you know that I was Bluestreak once, right?"

Chapter 10 - Bluestreak

Also on

fan fiction: 2013, rated pg13, multi chapter, tf-g1: 13-14, prowlxjazz: 13

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