Challenge - Prompts and days - Let the Challenge commence :D

Sep 01, 2013 02:39

Here is the list of days and their prompts with selective claimants. Any errors please let me know.
Red prompts and days are as of yet unclaimed!

Day: 1
Prompt 1: Starlight, moonlight, sunlight - eerian_sadow
Prompt 2: A flower unfolding

day: 2
Prompt 1: dare to dream - silberstreif
Prompt 2: "Life is short and you are hot." - eerian_sadow

day: 3
Prompt 1: false pretenses
Prompt 2: red glow reflected in your eyes - gilded_orchid

day: 4
Prompt 1: "I believe we've found a dream worth keeping"
Prompt 2: beautiful stranger - renegadewriter8

day: 5
Prompt 1: Going out with a bang - flyin_brick
Prompt 2: "I didn't say it was your fault, I said I'm blaming you!" - thalanee

day: 6
Prompt 1: classical dance
Prompt 2: dressing to match - vesryn

day: 7
Prompt 1: secrets to keep - jarakrisafis
Prompt 2: intergalactic travel - silberstreif

day: 8
Prompt 1: My love is larger than your stupidity - whitefirebird
Prompt 2: Rigid flexibility

day: 9
Prompt 1: faith
Prompt 2: scary movie night

day: 10
Prompt 1: theater, art, literature, music - pl2363
Prompt 2: my favorite mistake - whitefirebird

day: 11
Prompt 1: a mirror, brightly
Prompt 2: swing dancing

day: 12
Prompt 1: Twists and turns
Prompt 2: Generosity

day: 13
Prompt 1: Rebel beat - Goo Goo Dolls, Lyrics here
Prompt 2: "Love beyond love, life beyond life"

day: 14
Prompts 1: Growing - pl2363
Prompts 2: Cut down

day: 15
Prompt 1: sweetest taboo
Prompt 2: the hunt - fianna9

day: 16
Prompt 1: Switchback roads
Prompt 2: Groping in the dark - jaxink

day: 17
Prompt 1: Want some? - jaxink
Prompt 2: Groove is in the heart

day: 18
Prompt 1: The rock to my roll
Prompt 2: Voiding the warranty

day: 19
Prompt 1: Stealing Secrets - gilded_orchid
Prompt 2: You're my rival not my lover.

day: 20
Prompt 1: We Belong - darkdanc3r
Prompt 2: Burn

Prompt 1:social network - pjlover666
Prompt 2:truth or dare - pjlover666

Prompt 1:"Don't tell me you're scared now." - wicked3659
Prompt 2: Incision

Prompt 1:foreign affairs - vesryn
Prompt 2:prison break

day: 24
Prompt 1:I will follow you - kida_bridger
Prompt 2:the enemy of my enemy... - fianna9

day: 25
Prompt 1: Tentative touches - wicked3659
Prompt 2: Lustful optics

day: 26
Prompt 1:juxtaposition - camfield
Prompt 2:Let's dance - camfield

day: 27
Prompt 1:you're the air that I breathe
Prompt 2:nothing lasts forever, make it count - pl2363

day: 28
Prompt 1:truth will out - thalanee
Prompt 2:a day in paradise

day: 29
Prompt 1: "Jazz is doing what... ?!!"
Prompt 2: Words heal - gilded_orchid

day: 30
Prompt 1:A day at the beach - ante_luce
Prompt 2:Giant Robots (think Jaeger, think Pacific Rim, think crossover) - ante_luce

If there are any issues or requests for prompt claims please reply to this post.
Thank you everyone for your involvement.
Please see this post for the rules:
Let the challenge begin! 

mod post, anniversary challenge 13

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