Ficlet - Sabotage!

Feb 04, 2013 11:04

Title: Sabotage!
'Verse: G1 Pre-Earth.   Made a mistake on that. Listed it as Pre-War instead of Pre-earth.
Rating: Pg:13
Word Count: 2020
Characters/Pairings: Jazz/Prowl, Sideswipe, mentions of Ironhide and several recruits.
Warnings: Crack with a dash of Slash
Disclaimer: Transformers belongs to its respective owners, and no money was made from this story.

Summary: All's fair in love and war, so when the normal methods of rousting infiltrators fail, a new method is concocted. And if a few bets are made along the way, so much the better.

Link to the story at my journal.

fan fiction: 2013, rated pg13, oneshot, prowlxjazz: 13, tf-pre-war, tf-pre-earth, crack

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