Always with protection. Chapter Four.

Jan 02, 2013 13:42

Title: Always with protection
Author: pjlover666
Pairing: Prowl/Jazz in the later chapters.
Universe: Bayverse, AU
Rating: PG13, but it might go up.
Warnings: Violence.
Word count: ~ 5, 100
Summary: Jazz should always use protection when trying to hack the enemy. The consequences are not exactly pleasant.
Author Notes: The Decepticons have not been idle this whole time. See why.

It's a little wrong of me to post such a tragedy on the first days on the new year, but it was supposed to be ready for Christmas, but RL got busy. Again, this is still very early in the war, Jazz processes things differently. Both he and Prowl have a long way to go. Next chapter won't be so dark, promise - we get to meet Jazz's old team. ;)

Disclaimer: Transformers doesn't belong to me.

Chapter Four.

rated pg13, violence, multi chapter, angst, au

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