Seeing and Believing 6/6

Sep 17, 2012 13:07

Sorry, this is not a challenge response, but I know some people have been waiting for this last chapter for a long time. Hope it's alright to post.

Verse: G1
Characters: Prowl, Jazz, Skyfire
Pairings: Prowl/Jazz
Rating: PG-13 for mild slash and violence
Warnings: erm... possible serious injury.
Summary: When you're as different as Prowl and Jazz are, working together becomes an interesting prospect
Notes: This was written at a time when just about everyone was debating the matter of Jazz's optics/visor. The theories were everything from them being green/gold/magenta/neon orange, to being Decepticon-red, to him being blind, to the visor being his visual center. I never bought into any of those. So this was written partly to counter all those theories.
Disclaimer: I don't own them, they own me.

Note 2: I am SO sorry for the delay in this. My laptop died unexpectedly, and all the fic was on the harddrive, including everything I'd typed for this chapter. I had to wait till I finally got a new laptop before I could transfer everything that was on the old hard drive into it... but here it is at least, the final chapter.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

"We’re kinda more trouble than we’re worth, really.”


rated pg13, multi chapter, fluff, angst, fan fiction: 2012, poster: purajo, prowlxjazz: 12, tf-g1: 11-12

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