Title: Trinkets 1/?
gilded_orchidRating: PG
Universe: G1/Alignment-verse AU
Characters: Prowl, Jazz, Smokescreen, Mirage, Firestar. Brief mentions of Tracks, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe and Blaster.
Content: Pre-war AU gossip, the opening stages of some world-building that will be expanded upon in later pieces, and brief references to lusty shenanigans, though nothing detailed. Nothing to be too wary of, really.
Wordcount: 2735
Notes: The prompts involved with this are Someting To Talk About and Black. Feral plot bunnies came out of nowhere and bit *hard* this time around. Since this is pre-war, I'm operating under the idea that the personalities of the transformers we all know and love haven't been fully solidified yet, because war changes a being. As the posts progress though, I'll be spinning them closer to characterizations. I don't think it's too far off *now*, but better warned than surprised. (Btw, mod gang, does there need to be an Alignment-verse tag or can I sneak by without one?)
A/N: LJ is eating formatting again; I'll be tweaking it to make sure things like spaces between words actually show up.
This evolved past where I intended, and I'm *still* tweaking at it. I'll probably re-edit this entry after the challenge, or expand upon it in a different piece. Either way, click here and behold the form of the Destructor.