[Fic] Party planners - complete!

Jul 03, 2012 06:09

Title: Party planners (second half)
Rating: T
'Verse: G1
Authors: taralynden, xobit_prime, casusfere

Summary: The pranksters of the Ark aren’t the only ones who can plan a Christmas celebration.

A/N: If you don't remember seeing the first half... *ahem*... it's probably because it got posted 6 months ago to the day! Definitely not our intention, but RL will have its way. This fic was started in December 2011 as part of the Christmas collaboration challenge and we weredetermined to finish it no matter how long it took, so here it is! *^_^*

Scenes 1-8

Scene 9 - I hate the song ‘White Christmas’ (casusfere and xobit)

“Not you, too,” Red Alert started, switching his scowl from Prowl to Mirage. They were normally two of the most level-headed mechs on base. But even so - his thoughts went back to Inferno and the conversation that morning. “Fine,” he said suddenly. “But I refuse to put up with endless renditions of hideous Earth music being blasted through the intercoms again.”

"Well... I would have agreed with you not an Earth hour ago. But certain things have convinced me otherwise," Mirage shrugged and met Red Alert's glare with a cool one of his own.

"I can change my processor, there is no law against it. Beside... it would make Hound happy."

Prowl tilted his helmet a little, doorwings making a small bob, but otherwise stayed silent. Mirage didn't often enter discussions like this, it was entirely possible that alone would change Red Alert's processor on the matter.

Red Alert huffed, tires twitching. "What precisely is the attraction of that blasted noise? It's... irritating, frankly. And if I never hear the refrain from 'White Christmas' again, or worse, that incomprehensible mess about rocks and Christmas trees, I'll be a happier mech."

"But would Inferno be a happer mech?" MIrage put his hands on his hips and frowned at the Lambroghini. "You might hate Christmas music, or music in general for that matter, but Inferno does not. For one night, Red', just one night... isn't it worth a little noise to see Inferno happy?"

"Oh yes," Red Alert said sarcastically. "I'm sure that the only music that Inferno would enjoy is the kind that drives me up the wall, to steal a phrase from our human hosts. And only played at full volume, of course."

"Are you really sure about that?" Shaking his head Mirage considered if he should tell, well, it couldn't hurt. Was not likely to leave this room in fact.

"I personally dislike all the garish decorations and ugly colors, the chaotic mess of this supposed jolly season. But this morning Hound showed me the other side of it all... I haven't seen crystal decorations that beautiful since Cybertron!"

"Somehow I doubt you're going to find music on this mudball that can compare to even the lowest standards on Cybertron," Red Alert said dryly. "Decorations I can put up with, but the noise..." He shuddered.

"I would not be so sure if I were you," Prowl injected the comment with some amusement. He had not been a great fan of Earth music either, but Jazz had actually managed to find a few enjoyable things.

"If it is only the music that annoys you, we could plan to keep it at a minimum. Perhaps find some appropriate Cybertronian music to play inbetween?" offering the compromise Mirage cast Prowl an uncertain glance.

"The entire concept annoys me," Red Alert growled. "Parties in wartime? Humph." But his doors twitched uncomfortably. "But Inferno and the others... well, they certainly would enjoy it."

"It won't be a regular party, Red'. I for one don't intend to get blind drunk on bad high grade!" Mirage huffed and tapped a pede tip against the flooring. In his opinion a party here and there was good, it at least made most mechs less irritable.

Which probably meant that Red Alert needed to attend a few more of them!

“You’re not the one I’m worried about,” Red Alert said wryly. His doors flicked back. “Oh, fine. I assume that we will need to keep the others busy while the... party,” he said the word with distaste, “Is set up.”

Scene 10, prompt: no two snowflakes alike (taralynden)

Jazz had not been overly keen on heading out into the bad weather, but the idea of possibly being snowed-in made him anxious - he always liked to have a way out - and proving to himself that he could still get out if he needed to did a lot to soothe that fear before it really took hold.  It was definitely unpleasant, out, but not so bad as he had thought it might be and he had played Christmas tunes through his speakers as the three of them slogged their way back to the main road to leave the notice for the postman.

The road, when they reached it, was only distinguishable through scans.  Everything was covered in a thick blanket of near-pristine snow, though there were dents at regular intervals that had them initially excited about the possibilities of yetis.  It was a strange thing about humans how they told stories that even they weren’t sure were true or not.  The idea of such creatures roaming this close to the Ark would no doubt set Red Alert into a frenzy and alarm Prowl, too, but it never came down to a decision on how to break the news because Hound identified the tracks.  They weren’t signs of some mythic organic creature, merely a standard Cybertronian in root mode trying to slog his way home.  Namely Prowl.

Excitement over, they had all agreed that it was too cold to stay out any longer than they had to, and had turned back.  They had their own tracks to follow but Jazz was just as pleased to also have Hound to lead the way.  Earth weather was not really dangerous to them but it was slagging inconvenient and the scout could find the easiest route back.

“You think it’s true?” he asked absently, watching the snow fall around them. “About all the snowflakes bein’ diff’rent?”

“I had that conversation two years ago with Perceptor after Red heard someone talking about it.” Inferno responded. “Short answer is, it depends on what size snowflakes you’re talking about but basically it’s about right.”

“Huh.  Cool.”

“How’d they figure that one out, though?” Hound asked, pausing to look up at the falling snow. “It’s not like they’re intact long enough to analyse them.”

“If you wanna know, ask Percy when he gets back.” Jazz suggested, giving him a gentle nudge to move him on. “Right now I jus’ wanna get back inside.”

“You were the one who started it.” Hound pointed out.

“True, an’ now I’m finishin’ it.  Right?”

Hound laughed.

“Works for me, boss.  Come on, this way.”

Finally reaching the Ark they went straight to the washracks to clean up, all pleased to be back in the warm.  As he washed Jazz asked Hound’s advice about the vine that Prowl had dragged in, and the nature-loving scout said that while it was past preserving as a plant, he could use it to hang some of his decorations.  He and Mirage were apparently going to put decorations up in their quarters as a quiet, personal Christmas celebration.  Inferno thought that was a nice idea and headed off still dripping to suggest something similar to Red Alert.

Jazz smiled to himself.  He had already had his Christmas present: having Prowl back with him and for the Ark to be quiet enough for his over-worked mate to relax.  And since it was so quiet, there was no need for Prowl to be working now, so Jazz intended to rescue him from his office.

Heading straight there he passed the open door to the security room and heard Inferno talking enthusiastically but did not pause.  Instead, he checked Teletran - because he knew Prowl would ask - and confirmed that there was nothing to be concerned about, then swung out of the control room and into Prowl’s office.

Prowl’s empty office.

Surprised, he paused for a moment, then shrugged and moved on.  Perhaps Prowl had thought to grab them both some energon.  He had started to head that way when Prowl pinged him.

~Jazz here.  Where you at, Sparkles?~

~By the entrance. Someone has left puddles here again and I don’t want to be slipping on ice again.~

~Aw, babe, you know we were gonna clean that up later.~ he protested, changing direction.

~I know that’s what you would like me to believe.~ Prowl responded.

Jazz smiled and turned the last corner, but instead of finding his mate with a mop he found him staring out into the storm.  Prowl reached out an arm and gestured him closer, pulling him to his side.

“There is a strangely mesmeric quality to the snowfall, isn’t there?”

“Y’mean it’s pretty.” Jazz smiled, kissing his mate on the cheek. “I’ll turn ya into a romantic yet!”

“Perhaps not, but I can understand the fascination.  And I also finally understand the reference.”

“Say what?”

“ ‘Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful, and since we’ve no place to go...’ ” Prowl recited softly.

Jazz grinned and joined him for the last line.

“ ‘Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!’ Well done, Prowler!”

“Oh, I’ve been doing some research while you were out.” Prowl said airily.

“Yeah?  What else’d you come across?”

“You’ll see soon enough.” Prowl promised. “First, though, I believe you were going to clean up this mess?”

Scene 11, prompt: chains or four-wheel-drive required (Xobit)

Mirage was not in his quarters, nor in the towerling’s own quarters. Hound was sensible enough to call him rather than run around in a panicky attempt to find him.

-Sorry, Hound, Prowl had me do some things while the rest of you were out… it’s taking longer than he thought it would. I’ll be there right soon!- Surmising that it was paperwork of some sort Hound huffed silently and decided that he could hang up the vine and some of the ribbons for the ornaments.

-No worries, we’ve got plenty of time still.- He had expected the conversation to be cut short there so his lover could concentrate on his task but, no.

-So… was the weather outside really frightful?-  Hm, what could Prowl have the towerling doing?

-Mhmm, absolutely frightful. Almost bad enough to make me stay indoors for the rest of the winter, I’m certainly glad I am not a human when I have to go out there.- Dragging a chair over to the berth he crawled onto it to reach the edge of the alcove the berth was in. The vine would look good there, with some of the smaller ornaments hanging from it.

-Then I am certainly going to stay indoors for the rest of the winter!- Hound swallowed a giggle at the idea of his lover in altmode trying to drive though the thick layer of snow. There were just situations where the low slung racer had no chance at winning.

-Chains or four-wheel-drive required, love, and I am the only one allowed to play with chains and you at the same time,- Hound tried to sound stern but it was almost impossible.

-You are cute, Hound, but even you will not be able to put tire chains on this racer,-

-‘that a challenge, Mirage?- he purred teasingly.

-Maybe…- the voice was deceptively smooth and cool, he had gotten to his lover! Hound chortled out loud even as he shifted the subject into something more innocent.

One thing was certain though; Mirage had managed to divert him without his knowing he needed to be diverted. He wasn’t worrying about anything but keeping his balance and trying not to imagine Mirage in chains…

Scene 12: multi-coloured Christmas lights (taralynden)

As he walked back to his quarters, Inferno had to admit to himself that this was going unusually smoothly. He had proposed the idea of decorating their quarters with the full expectation that Red Alert would not be keen, but to his surprise his partner had let him make all his arguments and then agreed as long as it didn’t involve tinsel or noise. Tinsel was on Prowl’s banned list after two consecutive years of mechs getting it stuck in their gears and needing to be pulled off the duty roster while the medics sorted them out, so that wasn’t surprising and nor was the instruction on noise. Red Alert had highly refined sensors, after all.

“Do you want to help?” he had asked, wondering if Red’s mellow mood would stretch that far.

“No, you set it up then call me.” Red Alert told him, focused on his terminal. “I need to finish this.”

Inferno frowned to himself as he reached their quarters and paused in the doorway. Prowl being back had clearly put Red Alert into strict officer mode, and that was annoying. It wasn’t that he had anything against Prowl, and he knew Red Alert thought highly of the Praxian, but it had been very nice snuggling together this morning and he wanted to continue the holiday theme.

Maybe he should talk to Jazz about trying to keep the SIC out of the way for a bit?

~Jazz?~ he called, acting on impulse. ~You got a minute?~

~What’s up?~

~I need to talk to you. Meet you in the rec room?~

~Sure thing.~ Jazz responded easily, then contradicted himself. ~No, hold on...~

Inferno waited for a long moment, using the time to start deciding on what decorations might work best. Snowflakes - even fake ones - were likely to just confuse Red Alert, and although he knew Sideswipe had left a stash of tree decorations in the storeroom for if they ended up with a tree this year, he didn’t think little angels and stylised representations of trees or coloured balls would be much better.


Now there was an idea. There was that string of lights that also went on the tree. They weren’t noisy, and hung against the wall they would be very pretty.

Decided he started down the hall towards the storeroom when Jazz finally got back in contact.

~Sorry, ’Ferno, didn’t mean t’leave ya hangin’. Prowler’s bein’ all mysterious but he’s made me promise I won’t go near the rec room or find out what he’s doin’ in there.~

~What he’s doing?~ Inferno asked blankly.

Jazz’s easy laughter came across the comm channel.

~Probably checking that the twins didn’t leave us any surprises, but y’never know. He’s in a real good mood, so maybe he’s  addin’ high grade to the energon supply.~

“Not likely.” Inferno muttered, bending down to open the box he thought the lights had been stored in.

“That’s what you think.” Jazz drawled, making him jump. “Whaddaya lookin’ for?”

“The lights from the tree. I’m going to put them up in our quarters.”

“An’ ya thought I’d know where they were?” Jazz asked.

“What?” Inferno asked, rummaging through the contents of the box. “Oh, no. I just wondered...”

He trailed off. How could he put this so it didn’t sound offensive?

“Red’s been really relaxed the last couple of days, but then Prowl was after him this morning even though neither of them had started their shifts yet. It’s not like there’s anything urgent to be done so maybe... maybe you could ask Prowl to tone it down a bit?”

Said out loud it didn’t sound nearly as good as the idea had when he had thought of it, but Jazz just looked thoughtful when Inferno looked up.

“I’ll see what I can do. There’s the lights.” he added, gesturing to a box in the corner where a loop of cord was hanging out.

“Oh yeah. Thanks.”

He grabbed them and turned back to ask Jazz if he wanted to join him for a cube of energon, but the other mech was gone.

Scene 13, prompt: candy canes and hot chocolate (Xobit)

Prowl had run into a small dilemma, just a tiny one. For it to be a true party there needed to be thing that they would not usually get… things like candy and some of the more exotic energon. He could, if pressed, make some of the first if he had some of the latter. And with that he did not mean the twins disgusting home brewed energon.

There were however only three mechs that made that kind of energon here at the Ark, well four technically. The first were obviously enough the twins, but they sold that and since it was hard to make here they only made a small amount. And unlike their home brew he had no right to confiscate that. Then there was Smokescreen… where he stashed it even Prowl could not find it on such short notice. Ratchet, taking it from him was tantamount to assassinating himself, which left Mirage who would deny that he dabbled in such a thing.

Only to his surprise the mech had simply gnawed at his full lower derma for a moment before producing four earth made cubes of different colors and a bottle of high grade that most definantly had not been made on this planet. There was no reluctance in the former noble as he handed it over which was even more surprising.

“Don not look so shocked, Prowl, this is for Hound and me and all of you… if not you who else? In the crew here you are the closest thing to family, you and Jazz. And Red Alert who funnily enough never listens to Cliffjumper’s accusations,” Prowl nodded and then smiled, one of the rare full smiles that carried fully into his optics… one of those smiles that he usually saved for Jazz.

“Thank you, I think… I think maybe it is time for me to add something too,” with that cryptic remark he hurried off to his office, thanking Primus that Jazz would not go there what with him not working.

Well, not working as he usually did.

The rest of what he needed were already in the rec room and having retrieved the last item he went at it. It galled him a little that he would have to make the simplest of items but at least he had the time to make it look good!

A frantic half hour later he had gel cubes cooling, hot energon with gold dust foamed up to look a little like that drink humans called hot chocolate and blue and green syrup energon in tiny cubes that could be drunk… or played with.

It was not much, but it would do.

Yes it would do! And then there was Mirage’s offering, the most perfect smooth high grade, set aside to air a little.

-Mirage- he comm.ed -I am ready with the fuel, how are you coming along with the decoration gathering?

Scene 14, prompt: family traditions (taralynden)

~The decorations are in place.~ Mirage responded.

There was a brief pause.

~It’s true that we agreed on a minimalist approach, but perhaps this is taking it too far?~ Prowl responded doubtfully.

Mirage smiled, pleased to have flummoxed the mech who was usually two steps ahead of everyone else.

~Turn off the lights.~ he suggested.

There was another pause, then a warmer response.

~I see. Very nicely done. Then I imagine we are ready.~

~What about the music?~

~Red Alert has already informed me he has remotely programmed the rec room audio unit.~ Prowl answered. ~Can you collect Jazz for me? There’s one last thing I need to see to, and he will no doubt follow me if given the option.~

~I’ll bring him.~ Mirage agreed, sending a quick comm message for his boss to meet him in the corridor outside the quarters he shared with Hound.

Entering the room himself, he paused when he saw what his mate had done. The tiny, fragile orbs that had sat in the box now hung delicately from a length of organic cord at carefully chosen intervals, sometimes clustered together, sometimes separated out. The cord stretched along one wall, then out across the room where it was entwined with some standard flexcord which made up the remaining distance to the far corner. That shape, similar to what the humans would think of as the numeral ‘7’, was also a simplified form of the glyph for Mirage’s family in the Towers.

Hound was just coiling up an unneeded length of flexcord and set it aside, coming up to hug him from the side, gesturing to it.

“You like it?”

“How did you know?” Mirage asked, stunned.

“I asked around. Wheeljack knew. And since Christmas is as close as we get to the decavorn celebrations, here, I thought it was worth a shot. Did you finish whatever Prowl wanted you for?”

“Yes.” Mirage said absently, still admiring the decorations.

“Perfect. Then I think we should lock the door and celebrate all by ourselves.”

Mirage finally came out of his daze and turned to see a mischievous look on his mate’s face. It was very tempting to give in to that look, but Jazz would be arriving soon and he wanted to see Hound’s own reaction to the set up in the rec room.

“Later.” he promised. “Right now, Prowl wants us in the rec room.”

“You sure about that?” Jazz asked as Mirage ushered Hound into the corridor. “He’s told me t’stay away.”

“Only until everything was ready.” Mirage assured him. “Which it now is. Shall we go?”

Scene 15, prompt: Catastrophic holiday lights (Xobit)

He had thought it would be easy to string up the lights alone, that it would not take too long. Inferno huffed and looked at the mess against the wall. A hopeless tangle… a genuine catastrophe. The prospect of explaining snowflakes and angels to Red Alert looked better and better.

Settling down cross legged he began trying to unravel the lights, wishing he wasn’t alone in doing it. Problem was that he knew Red Alert too well, he was already a bit thrown off by the mellow acceptance of him actually putting up decorations, and the mech would have never been helping. Not in a million vorn. That was okay… but sometimes he wished that he was less dutiful, a little less obsessive.

Right now though he would settle for ‘interested in helping his mate decorate’. He’d wanted above all else to spend this time with Red Alert and he was rather annoyed that it seemed he could not relax with Prowl around.

It did not even have to be because Prowl had said anything, or ordered something, as he had mentioned he knew Red Alert too well. It was just how his lover behaved.

-Inferno?- speaking of his lover.

-Yes, Red’, I’m at our quarters?- which of course he knew already but he was miffed enough to point it out to him.

-Could you meet me in the rec room, we’re having a little meeting- Inferno ex-vented deeply and looked at the mess of cable and light bulbs in his lap. Well, why not? It seemed that his nice cozy Christmas with Red Alert had ended before it began.

-Sure, Red’, I’ll be right in…- hopefully nothing else would end quite as catastrophic as these lights.

Scene 16, prompt: silver bells (taralynden)

Jazz trailed along behind Mirage and Hound, his curiosity about the rec room dampened now that it was no longer going to be a secret and his attention more on the fact that the bond told him his mate was behind him rather than ahead.

Just what was Prowl up to?

Entering the rec room initially did little to help him solve that mystery. The furniture had been rearranged, almost all of it moved aside except for a table covered in luxury food items - someone had gone to a lot of trouble! -  and a small grouping of three couches pointing into a corner. Red Alert was already sitting on one, gesturing for Inferno to join him and Mirage and Hound had taken the middle one, so he supposed that left the third for him and Prowl.

To do what, though? Eat and drink and stare at blank walls?

As he walked across the room he cycled his optics through various settings until he caught the right one. Launching himself casually over the back of the empty couch he grinned at Mirage.

“Nice work.”

“What is?” Inferno asked, echoed by Hound.

“You’ll see.” Jazz promised, surveying the intricate design on the wall with growing nostalgia as the shapes matched old memories.

Someone - and Jazz was certain it must have been Mirage - had sketched a design incorporating all of the torus states, surrounded by ancient glyphs that spelt out one of the oldest prayers on record. It was drawn in luminous paint, white on white, which would glow like energon when the lights were turned off.

A faint tinkling sound caught his attention and he turned to the door just in time to see Prowl entering, and then his optics focused in on the source: there were tiny silver bells attached to the tips of his sensor panels, chiming with every faint movement.

~You approve?~ Prowl asked silently, gliding smoothly across the floor but not quite smoothly enough to entirely stop the musical accompaniment.

~Like I need another reason to grope you.~ Jazz snorted, reaching out a hand and pulling his mate down into a kiss, hands reaching back to play with the dangling bells.

But they chimed loudly as Prowl swept them out of reach.

“Not yet. We need to be sociable for a bit first.”

“Frag bein’ sociable, you never liked it an’ I can do wit’out for a day or two.” he muttered then raised his voice. “Merry Christmas everyone, see ya t’morrow. Or maybe th’next day.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Prowl shook his head firmly. “We have food and music and company to enjoy first. Settle down. Red, the music please?”

~Tease.~ Jazz grumbled good-naturedly, reaching for a cube of steaming hot energon with gold-dust sprinkled on top and listening to the opening strains of ‘Coventry carol’ played by a full orchestra as the lights dimmed and Inferno and Hound gasped. ~Alright, I’ll behave. For awhile. But truth now, what’s all this about?~

~Giving you your Christmas party.~ Prowl admitted. ~True, it’s not the noisy event you usually enjoy, but I hope you get some pleasure from it anyway.~

~You planned this? This’s why you came back through the bad weather?~

“Merry Christmas, Jazz.” Prowl confirmed, kissing him on the cheek.

“Best Christmas ever.” he declared, snuggling in close.

“Already?” Prowl asked, a hint of laughter in his tone.

“Friends, music, food, you at my side, what more could I want?”

Taking deliciously shameless advantage of the darkness and the others’ preoccupation with the imagery on the walls, Prowl leaned forward across his lap and whispered in his far audial something about ‘later’ and ‘dance for you in the bells’ and ‘wearing tinsel on my doorwings if you promise to be careful!’.

On reflection, Jazz considered, it could definitely get better, and by the sounds of things it was definitely going to!

Scene 17, prompt: Stranded because of the weather (Xobit)

“So…” Hound cooked his helmet at Mirage, wanting an explanation even as he reached to take a cube of warm energon. Of course he was beyond happy! But he also wanted to know what had brought this on… of all things his lover, Prowl and Red Alert had decided to do a party? Sure it was not the rowdy affair that such things usually where but, he kind of liked this better.

“So… what?” there was a teasing lilt to Mirage’s tone, clearly he liked having him this confused.

“All of this, why? I love it; don’t get me wrong but…” Hound glanced at the wall design again, stunned at the details in it. And then there was the music, a far cry from the rowdy songs usually played at the Christmas party but nice. So very, very nice and intimate.

He had not seen anything like this since, since… his thoughts faltered and he returned his attention to Mirage’s gorgeous golden optics.

“Well, believe it or not, it was Prowl’s idea,” Mirage chuckled and Hound knew that he must have looked pretty shell shocked at that news. It was shocking, but after a little bit of thought he could see the logic in it. Jazz liked parties and being social, Prowl liked his mate happy… this gathering, this party, would be something that appealed to them both. Despite Jazz’ sudden hurry to leave upon seeing those bells. Honestly he would have wanted to go too when seeing them if Prowl had been his lover.

But he had his own lover!

“And how did he manage to get you to help?” Mirage smiled sultry, every inch the seductive towerling as he stood up and held out a hand in silence. Hound took it and followed him out on the cleared floor, surprised when he was promptly led into a dance. To human music but one of the old dances… a noble dance that he had not seen danced in ages.

“He did not have to work for it, you had done all the persuasion all on your own,” the slim mech purred into his audio receptor, “and I must say, for once I am really happy that we are stranded because of the weather.”

Hound could only agree, glad for the weather, glad that everyone else was off the Ark… happy that he had his arms around the love of his life.

Happy that a snowstorm had descended to wrap the Ark up into a little perfect world just for them.

Scene 18, prompt: a silent night (taralynden)

Inferno was dozing when Red shifted out of his lap.

“Something wrong?” he asked, resetting his optics.

Red Alert shook his head.

“Everything’s fine, but I think it’s time we headed back to our room. It’s late and the others have long since gone.”

Inferno looked around and saw that that was true. Jazz and Prowl had been the first to leave, Jazz cajoling his partner out of the room within an hour, despite Prowl’s protests that it was far too early to leave the party he had gone to such pains to set up, though it did seem to Inferno that the tactician was not protesting all that strongly. The other pair had danced for awhile, then Hound had brought Mirage over to the wall to explain some of the less familiar glyphs. Inferno had been happily cuddled up with Red Alert, tired more than he had expected by the exertion of trudging through the heavy snow, and had lost track of events about then.

Now he realised they were alone, it was well after midnight, the music had stopped and there were only remnants of the confections and beverages left.

“You shoulda said something earlier. Or did you doze too?”

Red Alert shook his head.

“I’ve just been enjoying sitting with you in the quiet. I don’t think I’ve ever known the Ark to be this still. It’s special.”

“So why move, then?”

Red Alert frowned at him.

“Because it’s late.”

“Yeah, but we’ll still be stuck here tomorrow. Nothing’s going to change for days. Why don’t we just stay here?”

He watched his lover closely, ready to rise and smile and agree that they should go back to their own berth. Most likely Red Alert would find the idea too much of a stretch, and that was okay. But there was just a chance he might be relaxed enough to accept it. And Inferno couldn’t think of anything better than having his Red relaxed enough to go offline outside of their quarters.

After a long moment, the smaller mech nodded slowly and returned to the couch, snuggling up against him.

“You’re right. It’s nice to be here without having to worry.”

“You’re not worried about Mirage or Jazz, then?” Inferno checked, aware of Red Alert’s paranoia about the two ops bots.

“I think,” Red murmured, cuddling closer, “just for the moment, they’re far too occupied to be getting into things to worry me. Tomorrow I’ll worry. Tonight, everything’s perfect.”

“Yeah.” Inferno agreed. “It sure is. Merry Christmas, Red.”

“It’s the best Christmas we’ve had since arriving here.” the response came sleepily.

Inferno made a mental note to ask Prowl to make sure the same thing happened next year too, then shifted his arms to hold Red Alert just that much closer and basked in his company in the beautiful silence and the soft luminescent glow of the wall sketch.


When the others came back, things were almost exactly as they’d expected. Prowl and Red Alert were hard at work in the command centre, looking like they had never left it; Mirage was hiding away somewhere; and Inferno, Jazz and Hound were sitting in the rec room watching Christmas movie re-runs.

But something was not quite right.

For a start, there was a sizeable dent in the corridor wall outside the washracks. Then there was the fact that Christmas decorations had clearly been gone through in the storeroom because they were only clumsily returned to their boxes. A new emergency light had been installed in the rec room, one that was intended to be permanently on except when turned off from the security centre, and it seemed to be aimed at a blank back corner of the rec room. And for some reason, whenever Jazz tried to get out of officers’ meetings, Prowl started retrieving him by ringing a tiny pair of silver bells.

But oddness was hardly new to the Ark crew and with Prowl and Red Alert around keeping watch, and Mirage’s snooty Towers ways, what could possibly have happened? Nothing interesting, that was for sure. So the next year, when faced with the option of heading off on a PR mission to sunny Australia or staying in the cold Ark, pretty much everyone left. Poor Jazz, Hound and Inferno had to stay, paying the price of having such boring mates, and if they didn’t look too unhappy about that, well everyone else was too busy thinking other things to notice...

rated pg13, multi chapter, christmas, fan fiction: 2012, collaboration post, prowlxjazz: 12, poster: taralynden, challenge: december 11, tf-g1: 11-12

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