Title: Larger than Life - Prologue (01/??)
Verse: Bayverse AU
Rating: Eventual NC-17. This part is PG
Words: 1084
Warnings: Eventual interfacings, mech kissy kissy, sparklings, slashy stuff. AU up the wazoo.
Summary: Jazz is a wealthy noble mech bored with the life of the wealthy and hungry for excitement and challenges.
Notes: This fic is a birthday gift for a friend who wanted fic. Most of the concepts and the very AU setting are specially geared towards her preferences. ;) I aim to please! This is split in several parts because the fic is a bit large. Hopefully, I'll be able to post one chapter every week.
Thanks to
nkfloofiepoof for beta reading for me.
"You can't believe your eyes, what you heard weren't lies. My love is too much to hold, too much to hold. My love is larger than life, larger than life. My love is larger than life, larger than life. My love is too much to hold, it can't be sold, oh no~"