Logical Fallacy - On Stillness

Dec 01, 2011 20:20

Title: Logical Fallacy - On Stillness
By: Unseen_Daydream
Rating: K/G
Drabble: 9/??
Characters: Jazz, Prowl
Warnings: none

Notes: Sorry I've been gone so long, it's my last year in High School so I've been really busy with college transcripts. But I sat down and read a Prowl/Jazz fic today and I was hit with inspiration. 99 Steps and Perihelion are still in the works, I'm definitely not abandoning them, it may just take a little while longer before I'm able to sit down and really work on them.

Previous Entries

Of all the things believed to be true of Jazz, never has there been one that has been so unanimously agreed upon as this: Jazz hates being still. And, just as there has never been such a unanimous belief of one mech before, never has there been such a unanimous belief that was so completely and utterly wrong.

They can’t be blamed of course, everything Jazz does is done with passion and movement, throwing his entire being into one thing, one goal. And it is true that Jazz loves movement, loves the feeling of the ground beneath his peds and the power in his servos, grasping his world by both hands and holding on tight. It comes in handy, the ability to constantly be in motion, it means he’s always ready for battle, always ready to run away. Constant movement means constantly being ready to act and do, and if there’s anything Jazz needs it’s to be able to feel that he’s in control, that he’s always prepared to defend his comrades.

But Jazz does not hate stillness. He can’t.

In those moments before waking in sleeping, when he’s lying so still that he can feel the ship around him shifting and breathing beneath him, he is still. When a star goes supernova and he can see its dying spark in all its awe-inspiring beauty he is still. When the first sparkling is revealed in over three hundred Vorns he is still. When The Helix Crystals release their methane gas, when the Song of Praxis was sung in that unique Praxian trill during the festival of thirteen, when saw his first sunrise over Earth’s ocean, so calm and beautiful and made of harmless water, he was still.

And he was still because these things, these beautiful moments of time, all had one trait in common: they were all so tragically fleeting. Because that is where true beauty lies, not in the permanence of something, but in those too-short moments of beauty that if one so much as shutters an optic they would miss it. In these fleeting moments Jazz is of the opinion that the world moves far too quickly, for so many to miss the beauty in the world surrounding them; to be unable to simply stop for a moment and appreciate the universe in all its glory.

So Jazz loves the still moments in life, just as he loves the moments when the world is all about motion. And being with Prowl makes those still moments stretch on into lifetimes, turning something so temporary as beauty into something almost like permanence, with his quiet smile, and understanding, and willingness to listen. It makes it so easy for Jazz to fall in love with Prowl when Prowl can make a moment span lifetimes with something so fleeting as his smile. So Beautiful in body, mind, and soul that Jazz can’t help wishing that time would stop so that he could spend all of it stretching out those too fleeting moments of calm.

The beauty in beauty is its lack of permanence, the way it forces you to stop, remove yourself from the universe for a moment and simply enjoy it while it lasts. Jazz hopes that Prowl manages to last a lifetime with him. 

fluff, rated g, fan fiction: 2011, drabbles, prowlxjazz: 11, tf-g1: 11-12

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