Goodnight My Angel

Oct 03, 2011 14:07

Title: Goodnight My Angel
Author: Prowler44
Rating: PG
Verse: G1
Warnings: None, just a whole lot of fluff.
Prompt: Lullaby
Summary: Jazz has a bad dream and Prowl comforts him.
~ ~ ~

Prowl was jolted awake by the jostling of the berth, snapping his head over to the side his optics widened as he saw Jazz tossing and turning. As Jazz flailed his arms around he was mumbling in a panic.

Realizing that he was having a nightmare, Prowl reacted quickly and grabbed a hold of him. Pulling him to his chest and holding his arms down so he didn't hurt himself. Shaking his shoulder, he tried everything to wake him up.

"Jazz, Jazzy come on wake up... Jazz!"

After a minute more of shaking and calling his name, said mech snapped his head up, looking around and frantically trying to escape. "No no! Lemme go!"

"Jazz stop squirming! It's me! Prowl!"

Jazz finally looked up and recognized the mech that was looking down at him very concerned and still holding him.


Prowl sighed and loosened his grip on him, kissing the top of Jazz's helm and rubbing his back. "It's okay Jazz, I'm here... it was just a dream."

Jazz whimpered and suddenly clung to him, purple energon tears flowing down his faceplates as he cried and buried his face into Prowl's chest.

"Ah Prowler it was terrible! Ah didn't know where Ah was and the 'cons were afta me an... an..." He swallowed nervously, not able to say what happened right before he woke up.

Whimpering pathetically again, Jazz continued to cry and cling to his Praxian lover. Hoping to calm him down, Prowl rubbed his back soothingly and tried to think of what his carrier used to do when he was like this as a sparkling. Closing his eyes as he remembered, he kissed Jazz gently on the top of his helm again before he opened his mouth and began to softly sing.

"Goodnight my angel now it's time to close your eyes, and save these questions for another day.
I think I know what you've been asking me, I think you know what I've been trying to say.
I promised I would never leave you, And you should always know... wherever you may go, no matter where you are, I never will be far away.

"Goodnight my angel now it's time to sleep, and still so many things I want to say.
Remember all the songs you sang for me, when we went sailing on an emerald bay.
And like a boat on the ocean, I'm rocking you to sleep.
The water's dark and deep inside this ancient heart, you'll always be a part of me."

As Prowl continued to sing Jazz quieted as he listened, laying his head on Prowl's chest and closing his optics behind his visor. Feeling utterly safe in his lover's arms.

"Goodnight my angel now it's time to dream, and dream how wonderful your life will be.
Someday your child may cry, and if you sing this lullaby. Then in your heart, there will always be a part of me."

Jazz began to slowly doze off to the sound of Prowl's beautiful voice, no longer afraid of the dark dream world that had a hold of him earlier. Sighing he snuggled into Prowl more and wrapped his servos around his waist, smiling and letting himself start to slip into recharge.

"Someday we'll all be gone, but lullabies go on and on.
They never die, that's how you and I will be."

As Jazz was on the brink of recharge, Prowl leaned down and kissed his helm again, wrapping his arms around him and snuggling into the berth with him further before whispering to him as he drifted into recharge himself.

"Goodnight Jazzy, I love you."

"Ah love ya too Prowler." Jazz said with a yawn before falling into a deep recharge.

(The End)

prowlxjazz, anniversary challenge 11

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