Inspired bit of fic

Oct 01, 2011 15:09

Title: Oh Goodie!!!!!!!!
Universe: G1 AU
Rating: pg
Characters: Prowl, Jazz, Barricade
Warnings: nohting but cuteness
Summary: Barricade catches Prowl and Jazz in the act.  It's inspired by the challenge but not part of the challenge.
AN: I hope this can still remain posted on the P&J community.  I cannot help what my muse choses to write at times when inspired.  I'm sorry I missed the proper deadline but real life was in the way for the actual challenge.  So I removed the anniversary tag making this just a normal fic.  I apologize if this still does not meet some requirement for posting.  I do love writing P&J and simply enjoy sharing the stories with the community.  Thanks.

“Are ya sure ya know how to cook the energon treats?”

fluff, fan fiction: 2011, poster: prowlerprime, prowlxjazz: 11, rated pg

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