Anniversary Challenge Prompts: Week Three

Oct 01, 2011 02:00

Hello everyone, four weeks have passed and we're onto the last leg of the anniversary event. Starting today is a full posting week until Saturday 8 at 2 am CST (hour of mexico city) you can post entries for all previous 4 week prompts that you were unable to post during their respective posting period ( Read more... )

anniversary challenge 11, mod post

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Comments 13

eerian_sadow October 1 2011, 07:13:13 UTC
i claim prompt #3 "I wish I may, I wish I might..." from week one.


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vejiraziel October 1 2011, 09:25:16 UTC
As long as your story is finished before the end of the week period it's ok.


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vejiraziel October 1 2011, 19:32:53 UTC
That is why it is a challenge. Your challenge is to complete your story in the allotted amount of time.


usagi_atemu_tom October 1 2011, 10:41:21 UTC
Mmmh, I have a four instead of three prompts done, though it's only three stories, would that be too bad?
My claims would be as following:

Week One: #Surprising Origin
Week Three: #Do not lean on the doors! (& #My drug of choice) (though both are part of one story so I could simply cross out "My drug of choice" if you prefer that. The main of the story is about "Do not lean on the doors" anyway.
Week Four: #Dark of night

Well, this is what I have at the ready. Just tell me how to handly #My drug of choice, then I will post my stuff. Thank you already. ^^


vejiraziel October 1 2011, 19:27:52 UTC
If they are both part of the same story, just pick one of the prompts that is filled.


renegadewriter8 October 1 2011, 14:30:32 UTC

Okay here are my claims:

Week 3: 7 - Lord Jazz, Slave Prowl
15 - Anticipated pleasure; unexpected pain
Week 4: 9 - Insecurities


fianna9 October 1 2011, 14:40:06 UTC
I'm hoping it will finish cooperating:

Week 2 #12: Sneaky


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