Challenge Prompt- Turning the Tables

Sep 11, 2011 20:13

Week: 2
Title: Turning the Tables
Verse: Bayverse
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Characters/Pairings: Prowl, Jazz, Suntreaker, Sideswipe

A/N: Since I felt I didn't really fill the Sneaky prompt, I felt compelled to do another. So here it is...

This was the twentieth time this month Prowl had been pranked.

Optimus was currently hiding in his office hoping his tactician would only destroy a small portion of the base in revenge, mentally taking note to warn the human President not to come for another week or so, less he get indivertibly squashed by scheming SIC while he was here.

Ironhide had long ago made an excuse to go stay with the Lennox’s, and was currently pretending he wasn’t coward as Sarah Lennox gave him a polish with a giggling Annabelle waving the garden hose around as she tried to hit her dad with the powerful spray.

Ratchet had stalked into Wheeljack’s lab to rant about the possible outcomes and work he would have to do after the whole fiasco was over; all the while convincing himself that Prowl wouldn’t come hunting in the Inventor’s lab, leaving a terrified Jolt to man the Medbay.

Bumblebee had taken Sam and Mikaela away from the base as he felt the scarily familiar foreboding sense of devious tactical planning fill the air upon the Autobot base of Diego Garcia.

“So when are we going to do this?” the recently repaired silver Saboteur smirked leaning back in Prowl’s plain visitor chair that decorated the SIC’s office.

“Pardon?” the golden opticked mech asked, his suspicious gaze flickering to his bondmate as he finished signing a data-pad, slotting it methodically into ‘the Leaning Tower of Pads’ as Jazz had so childishly named it.

“You know… Twins, Pranks, Revenge, Inclusion of Bondmate” Jazz listed on his four fingers with a grin as the tactician sighed.

“Jazz, just because they changed your music collection to nursery rhymes and sparkling stories doesn’t warrant what I’m going to do to them.” Prowl tried to reason as the TIC puffed up his armour in insult.

“Mech, they messed with the music,” Jazz declared banging a fist on his chest armour, a deep gong echoing through the plainly decorated office. “That’s a declaration of war!”

“Primus, spare me.” Prowl grumbled as he picked up the last data-pad of the day “Very well, Jazz, you can be in charge of catching the fraggers and delivering them to me.”

“Now we’re talking!” the silver mech grinned leaning forward and bouncing in his seat. “What’s the plan?”

===Several Hours and One Lengthy Explanation Later===

It had started with Sideswipe’s beloved Spoon Collection going missing, complete with his favourite spoon gilded in gold. The silver swordsmech had been inconsolable for the past half hour, doing a very good impression a hysterical human femme that had lost their hair brush before a big dance and thus, thoroughly ruining his tough mech image to most of the snickering soldiers of the Rec-Room, most of whom were totally stumped as to why Sideswipe collected human and alien spoons in the first place.

Sunstreaker had been particularly jumpy this orn too. His own rather nice set of human paints going missing around the same time of Sideswipe’s ridiculously large collection of spoons.

“I bet it was Jazz.” he huffed to himself as he awkwardly patted his theatrically sobbing sibling on the back strut while he sipped his afternoon energon, seriously regretting annoying Prowl now that he had the sudden urge to start drawing and painting. “Slagger is probably going to blackmail us.”

“Sideswipe! Sunstreaker!” a familiar monotone voice tinged with anger snapped through the base’s Communication network. “Brig! Now!”

“What did you do?” Sunstreaker glowered at the bewildered looking Sideswipe, who looked up and about him in fright when Prowl’s ‘I am in the mood to murder someone’ tone buzzed in his audio.

“I didn’t do anything! I swear!” the silver mech whined following his golden brother as they both skated from the Rec-Room, trekking the familiar way towards the elaborate brig that Prowl had designed when he turned up, not four months before. “Do you think he’ll know where my spoons are?”

“I couldn’t give a damn about your…!” Sunstreaker began only to feel something sting his neck cabling, his legs suddenly feeling wobbly, his processor’s thoughts becoming dulled and slow as whatever he was attacked with took its toll through his lines.

“Sunny!” was the startled cry he heard before he toppled to the silver floor of the Diego Garcia Autobot Base.

==Prowl’s Office= Two Days Later==

“Mech, I love you.” Jazz cooed as he was passed the folder with the incriminating image captures by a rightfully smug SIC. “I gotta say, Sideswipe with his spoons magnetised to himself and tied up in the lightning storm was a brilliant one.”

“Yes,” the Head Tactical Officer nodded sagely, his ruby chevron glinting devilishly in the light of the office as Jazz snickered at the photos Red Alert’s camera drones had taken for them. “Last I saw of our… delightful silver swordsmech, he was still running on that treadmill Wheeljack built so he could get rid of the excess charge, which, may I also add, is powering this half of the base. Eco friendly and it keeps the pest occupied.”

“What about our resident Sunshine?” Jazz asked having just dropped off the bodies to a pleased looking Prowl in the brig once he had brought both front line warriors down.

“His colour nanites were infected with a little virus I created and his transformation controls were shut down.” Prowl said casually withdrawing another large brown folder from his subspace and pushing it lightly across the desk towards his gleeful mate who promptly snatched the package from the table and ripped open the seal. “He’s currently being driven by a certain Robert Epps to a Lamborghini show on the mainland sporting a beautiful neon Rainbow colour scheme.”

“Prowler my love,” Jazz said with a purr as he put down the folders holding the evidence of Prowl’s revenge, his visor black crystal visor lifting up to reveal his deep cobalt optics to his pleased mate that flared his doorwings proudly “You sure know how to turn the table on the ‘Master Pranksters’.”

tf-bayverse, mischief, oneshot, anniversary challenge 11, fan fiction: 2011, crack

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