The Things We Do For Love

Sep 10, 2011 13:47

 The Things We Do For Love
Chapter 7

Author: Thalanee

Verse: pre-Movie

Rating: pg-13

Word Count: ca. 4600 words

Warnings: Jazz being Jazz, angry enforcers and swearing medics…

Disclaimer: Still not mine, sorry. And the song “Iris” belongs to the Goo Goo Dolls (thanks to BaiLang, LionLover190 and HiHikariNoKaze for suggesting it), “Hanging By A Moment” is by Lifehouse (thanks LionLover190).

Summary: If you want to do it the old- fashioned way, you can also serenade your love and climb through your sweetheart’s window.

Author’s Notes: Another music heavy thing! Sorry it took so long, but I hope the wait is worth it!  XD


Jazz paced to the end of the room. Then back to his starting point. Back to the other end of the room again. And so forth.

Until he was interrupted by a string of curses from the chartreuse and white mech currently bent over the prone black and white form of Prowl. “If you can’t fragging sit still while I’m working and insist on continuing to distract me, then go and do your pacing outside.”

Meekly, Jazz immediately settled down on a chair near the wall, out of the medic’s way but still close enough to watch the black and white enforcer. The silver mech cringed at the memory of what happened. He’d been prepared for a negative reaction from Prowl, knowing the mech would not take well to being told he’d been lied to the whole time and it hurt him to watch Prowl retreat behind that stoic mask.

But when Prowl had suddenly stiffened, his wings twitching violently and processors audibly whining in protest, Jazz had watched horrified when the doorwinger suddenly stilled, his optics going dark, and collapsed. The saboteur had just enough time to catch Prowl before he fell to the floor.

Agony held his spark in an iron fist, because for a short moment Prowl’s form had seemed so unmoving a more panicky part of Jazz was afraid Prowl was dead. The relief he felt, when he realized the warm pulses of Prowl’s spark had not ceases, had been unbelievable.

Still worried Jazz had decided to turn to the one person he absolutely knew he could trust, and careful not to be seen or heard, had carried Prowl to Ratchet’s clinic, where he knew he would find the bad- tempered medic still at work. Ratchet’s reaction had been on the spectacular side.


Carefully holding the unmoving form of Prowl close to his chassis, Jazz used the magnets in his other hands to disable the window’s lock and slowly crept in, his entrance perfectly silent as he slipped into the room to look around. All he had to do now was find Ratchet.

Only the medic was faster than him.

Out of nowhere a large wrench came and collided with his helm in a very painful way, while the formerly recharging medic, woken by Jazz’s surreptitious entry, shrieked curses at the intruder. “Who the pit are you and what do you think you’re doing here, little slagger?” Another wrench came sailing through the air, only barely missing the ducking saboteur. “Think you can come waltzing in here in the middle of the night and go through the medical supplies, punk?”

The silver mech did his best not to get hit by any of the missiles sent his way. The medic’s aim was truly admirable, though right then and there Jazz wished he wouldn’t be quite that accurate. “Relax, Ratch-mech, it’s just me!” he called out, doing his best to shield the prone form of Prowl from the instruments of the chartreuse mech’s wrath with his own body.

Almost immediately the air in the room was cleared of flying instruments. Blue optics narrowed when the silver mech poked his head over the berth he was hiding behind. “You!” Ratchet pointed an accusing finger at the wide-opticked saboteur. “What in the pit are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be back in Iacon with your bunch of crazy Ops mechs?”

“Ah’m on a mission, Ratchet.” Slowly Jazz crept out of his hiding place, still cradling Prowl to his chestplates protectively. “An’ Ah need your help.”

“Prowl? What happened, did he crash again?” Ratchet exclaimed, then directed Jazz to place his charge on one of the still upright berths while he collected the tools strewn around the med bay.

“Ah don’t know what happened. I just talked ta him and he collapsed. Was pretty upset about my telling him who Ah really am, too.” The silver mech explained, staying close to the prone enforcer. “Ya wanna tell me this happens often?”

“I am not allowed to tell you that, there’s this thing called medic patient confidentiality. You will have to ask Prowl once I’m done unfritzing his processors.” He paused, then looked up at Jazz, before snarling softly. “I should have known it was you.”

“Excuse meh?” Jazz was slightly confused.

“You’re that Failsafe mech, aren’t you?” Jazz didn’t even hesitate before nodding. Keeping secrets from Ratchet the Hatchet was decidedly unhealthy. “So you started flirting with him in your disguise, which was highly entertaining by the way, and then decided to reveal your identity? Damn, small wonder he crashed. Whatever possessed you to reveal your identity? Meister will fragging offline you!”

“First of all, Ah’m not just flirting with Prowl, Ah wanna court him and properly so. That’s why Ah told him, and ma creator’s just gonna have ta live with it. Ah won’t lie ta Prowl anymore.”

Instead of replying Ratchet just snorted, somehow mollified by Jazz’s answer, and shooed the mech out of his way, before concentrating on the unconscious Praxian.

End Flashback

Anxious to see Prowl awake and unharmed Jazz fidgeted in his seat, careful not to attract Ratchet’s attention.

“You should probably go and hide.” The medic announced out of the blue, breaking the saboteur out of his reverie. “I will have to call Barricade, so he can have an optic on Prowl and get him home. He’s not an idiot, so once he sees you, or rather Failsafe, since I assume you don’t want anyone else to know, he’ll know you caused his partner to crash. Since you obviously know Barricade I don’t have to remind you of the consequences.”

Jazz hid a wince, remembering the other enforcer’s threat. His spark begged for him to stay, but Jazz knew that would be a very bad idea. Considering what Jazz knew about crashes Prowl would most likely be very sore and in no mood to deal with him and the racket a confrontation between Barricade and Jazz would result in. Besides Ratchet would never allow that to happen. Feeling decidedly miserable the saboteur decided to back off for now and visit Prowl later.

Resurfacing from his morose thoughts the silver mech realized that the other was regarding him with an almost gentle expression, totally out of place on the gruff medic. “Don’t worry, Jazz. Prowl will come around, just give him some time to figure this out on his own.”

Jazz nodded, and with a gentle caress to Prowl’s cheek, vanished through the window.


Angry snarls and curses pounded at his abused processors and forced him awake. The bright lights of the well known med bay ceiling hurt his optics during the first few moments, worsening his already tremendous head ache. His thoughts still were a bit sluggish and he had the familiar trouble of recalling what had caused him to crash. With a bit of time the memory would come back to him, it always did. Meanwhile he listened to the two angry voices drifting through the open door of the neighbouring room.

“I will offline that little slagger when I get to lay my hands on him!” the familiar deep voice of Barricade roared.

“Keep the frag quiet or I will reformat you into one of those gardening appliances you use for growing crystals and gift you to Prowl so he can use you to take care of his plants!” Ratchet roared back, only slightly more quiet than the enforcer. A resounding clang indicated the use of one of his trusty tools as a club, to the other’s helm most likely.

“Don’t you dare defend the fragger. He hurt Prowl!” Barricade hissed, while Prowl listened closely. “He must have, why else would Prowl have crashed?”

Ratchet snarled. “What happened is between Prowl and J-Failsafe.” The medic announced his slip apparently unnoticed by Barricade who continued his rant, but Prowl took note of it, the memory of what had caused him to crash now clear to him. He recalled Failsafe, no Jazz, changing his appearance. Failsafe wasn’t real, he was just a disguise. His spark clenched as his fears resurfaced, a small whimper escaping him at the anguish in his spark.

Abruptly the noise in the other room faded and both the medic and the enforcer stepped into the room Prowl was resting in. The doorwinger had seldom seen Barricade so angry. The look in his ruby optics promised pain to the object of his wrath, only Prowl wasn’t sure he ever wanted that directed at Jazz. He knew he would have to talk to Barricade about the cause of his crash soon, but not just yet, so for the moment he concentrated on the medic instead.

“Welcome back, youngling.” Was it just Prowl or did the medic seem inordinately pleased about something.

“I am not a youngling anymore, Ratchet.” The black and white retorted, rubbing his ruby chevron to relieve his head ache somewhat. “I will have you know that I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

“You’re a third my age, in my point of view that makes you a youngling, no matter how old you actually are.” The medic teased, meanwhile scanning the other. “That was a quite spectacular crash you had there, by the way, worst I’ve seen in a long time.”

Before the medic could continue Barricade shoved him out of the way and looked Prowl over to check that there was no physical damage. When he saw the way Prowl’s wings drooped noticeably and noticed the dim sad look in the golden optics of his smaller partner he snarled and balled his fists. “What did that fragger do to you?” There was more than a faint undertone of menace in his voice too.

Prowl regarded his partner coolly. What Failsafe, no Jazz, had told him was between the two of them alone. Besides he did not want to talk about it yet, just thinking about it, made his intakes skip and gave him a sick feeling in his internals. “As much as  appreciate your concern for my wellbeing, what has happened is my business, and I shall deal with it as I see fit.”

Barricade recoiled. “He hurt you and you’re still defending him?” The large mech had trouble reigning in his temper. The silver thief had promised never to hurt Prowl and now he had broken that oath, even made the young enforcer crash so badly he needed medical attention. It was all Barricade could do not to storm off right now in search of Failsafe and rip him apart.

“I am not defending him , I am merely pointing out that I am perfectly capable of dealing with my own problems.”

Their argument was close to escalating into one of their rarer shouting matches. He two enforcers seldom argued, but both had quite the temper and when they did manage to rile each other up to that point, the clean up afterwards would always prove prohibitive. So Ratchet decided to take steps.

“Prowl, don’t even think about getting up yet, I want you to stay here overnight so I can keep an optic on you.” Obeying the black and white stayed seated. The chartreuse mech turned toward Barricade. “And you will go home and calm down, I won’t have you upsetting my patient. You can pick him up tomorrow.”

Grumbling to himself the black enforcer heeded the medic’s order and left, after squeezing Prowl’s shoulder once in wordless apology for his outburst, already plotting what he would do once he got his servos on Failsafe.

Once Barricade was gone Ratchet leaned against one of the medical berths, his arms crossed, and waited for the inevitable questions.

“Who brought me here?” Prowl was carefully looking at anything but the medic, avoiding his knowing gaze.

“Jazz did.” The medic smirked when Prowl abruptly raised his helm to look at him. “Yes, I know who he is. I first met him in Iacon where I had the pleasure of putting together his sorry chassis ever since he was in the Academy and after he graduated and became part of Special Operations. Always got into trouble back then too, pulling pranks, disobeying orders…” He chuckled wistfully.

“So you knew from the start?”

The medic wasn’t fooled by the other’s demeanor. “No, I only realized he was Failsafe, when he snuck in here yesterday night with you unconscious.”

“Yesterday night?” Prowl sounded shocked. “I was out that long?” Considering he still felt strained and sore, he wouldn’t have thought it was that long…

“As I said, that was a spectacular crash. It’s now afternoon again. That’s why I want to keep you here another night.” Ratchet explained patiently. Prowl just nodded numbly lying back down again, while his mind drifted toward the memory of what Jazz had told him, causing his processor to heat up again and the head ache to worsen.

A wrench hit the berth just beside his head, bringing his attention back to the present and an uncharacteristically solemn Ratchet. Sighing the medic held up a hand to keep Prowl from talking. “Don’t think about that yet. You have enough time once you’ve rested.” Morosely Prowl nodded, saying nothing.

“Look, as far as I understand, Jazz violated several rules by revealing his identity to you, something he didn’t even have to do. But he chose not to lie to you. That should tell you everything you need to know. Think about it.”

Having said his piece, the medic stood back up again and left a very confused Prowl to his thoughts.


Three days had passed since he had been sent back home by Ratchet and Prowl still wasn’t sure what to do, he only knew that something was missing without the silver mech’s presence and that emptiness hurt, but so far he had seen neither helm nor ped of Jazz. Neither had Barricade who, aside from his official duties, had also tried tracking down the mech he still knew only as Failsafe without success so far. The same held true for the other enforcers Barricade had somehow roped in (those that Prowl had not been able to convince to let it go, which meant almost the whole precinct).

Jazz had vanished.

A pained sound escaped Prowl at the thought that Jazz might not return. Maybe his superiors had called him away once they were informed that Jazz had revealed his identity. Maybe he had been injured by someone while in disguise. Maybe he had been… Prowl shied away from all the horror scenarios his pessimistic battle computer presented him with.

Curling around himself on his berth Prowl listlessly gazed out of the window, watching the stars and the lights of the city, desperately wishing for some sign of life from the silver mech. Just like the nights before. He hadn’t really been able to get any sleep, both his spark and processor in too much turmoil, which had resulted in Prowl being sent home by the Chief in the middle of his shift with the express order to get some rest. The enforcer hadn’t even found it in him to complain about not being allowed to do his work.

At first he didn’t even realize his wish had been granted, when the soft strums of a guitar drifted through his windows and a voice started to sing softly:

“And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now
And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight.”

Startled Prowl rose and walked over to the window, hoping he wasn’t mistaken, that it really was who he thought.

And he was right. Directly underneath his window sat the familiar and at the same time unknown frame of Jazz, his visor dimmed, strumming a guitar and singing loud enough to be heard by Prowl (and probably the other neighbours sooner or later), his voice pleasantly deep and mellowing, with a slightly husky quality to it. Unconsciously his doorwings moved forward, fluttering to catch every single note of the song, intent on missing nothing.

“And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive.”

Listening and letting the sound wash over him, the meaning of the words Jazz was singing becoming clear to him. They convinced him that the decision he had made in the last few days was right.

All the time these last days Prowl had spent thinking about what the mech had told him that fateful evening, to the point of not being able to concentrate on the paperwork he was supposed to be taking care of.

It still hurt being lied to, but Prowl had realized, that Jazz didn’t have to tell him. The Special Ops mech could have continued to lie to him and Prowl would likely never have known. If it really was only a game, all he would have to do was continue and vanish once his mission was over, without a trace Prowl could have followed.

But Jazz had told him (of course there was the miniscule chance that he was still lying, but it was negligible), even though he was forbidden. He had told him and even revealed what he truly looked like. He had just wanted Prowl to know who he was…

“And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am.”

Truth be told, Prowl was still a little hurt, but he understood now, and he had only waited for Jazz to appear again, so he could tell him. Prowl smiled slightly when he realized that the other’s dark blue visor wasn’t dimmed anymore, but glowing. At some point Jazz had noticed him and now they were looking at each other, while Jazz finished the song, repeating the chorus one last time, trying to make sure Prowl understood. When he saw Prowl smile (as miniscule as the smile was) he grinned back broadly.

“What are you doing here?” Prowl asked. As much as he appreciated the serenade, his hidden romantic side was still happily basking in the attention, his more dutiful side felt the need to speak up.

“Ain’t it obvious? I’m trying ta get your attention, so I can tell ya I’m sorry for hurting ya.” The silver mech seemed to deflate somewhat in the face of Prowl’s enquiry.

“I appreciate the thought, especially since I wish to talk to you too, but you’re disturbing the neighbours.”

“So?” Jazz prompted, not concerned in the least.

“One of them will call the enforcers. Do I really need to point out what Barricade or most of the others will do to you should they find you here?”

“Aw!” He perked up again, touching the plating above his spark. “I didn’t know ya were so worried about me.”

“I was, very much so.” Prowl admitted sincerely. “I was waiting for you.”

Their romantic moment was disturbed by one of the neighbours suddenly yelling out of his window for the racket to “slagging stop already and better not start again”, before he shut it again with a resounding clatter. Jazz threw Prowl an impish look, and laughing started another, more upbeat song, singing it at the top of his voice:

“Desperate for changing
Starving for truth
I'm closer to where I started
Chasing after you
I'm falling even more in love with you
Letting go of all I've held onto
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you.”

If the antics of a dancing Jazz happily playing and singing were any indications, there was more of Jazz in Failsafe than he had anticipated. The playful nature, the warm smiles and the care was still there… as was his penchant for mischief, obviously.

“Forgetting all I'm lacking
Completely incomplete
I'll take your invitation
You take all of me now...

I'm falling even more in love with you
Letting go of all I've held onto
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you
I'm living for the only thing I know
I'm running and not quite sure where to go
And I don't know what I'm diving into
Just hanging by a moment here with you.”

Prowl also had little doubt that Jazz meant what he was singing. A stubborn and determined as he appeared to be the mech would probably camp underneath his window until Prowl gave in and let him in. Huffing to himself, the Praxian decided to do what he had done on the dance floor: simply enjoy the moment, glad that Jazz was finally back.

The silver mech continued the song, undeterred by the neighbor opening his window again and throwing death glares at the source of the disturbance, only having optics for his audience in the form of one black and white mech, who was staring to see the humor in the situation even though he did his best to hide it.

“There's nothing else to lose
There's nothing else to find
There's nothing in the world
That can change my mind
There is nothing else
There is nothing else
There is nothing else

Desperate for changing
Starving for truth
I'm closer to where I started
Chasing after you...“

Fuelled by his happiness that Prowl had forgiven him for lying to him initially and seemed willing to let the courtship continue, Jazz did his best to make the serenade a memorable occasion. He could hardly believe how lucky he was, but he sure as pit wasn’t going to argue about it! He’d have to thank Ratchet for giving him a good kick in the aft, when he asked the medic’s advice about this endeavor. For now though he concentrated fully on his Prowl, making sure the mech knew he was serious about this.

He had to keep himself from crowing in success when Prowl’s soft, melodious voice joined him for the last chorus, audible only to Jazz.

“I'm falling even more in love with you
Letting go of all I've held onto
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you
I'm living for the only thing I know
I'm running and not quite sure where to go
And I don't know what I'm diving into
Just hanging by a moment here with you”

Finishing with an effusive bow, Jazz straightened and stored the instrument in his subspace. Before he could say something he heard the sound of sirens from afar, coming nearer.

“Sounds like ma cue to call it a night.” He called up to Prowl.

After a slight hesitation Prowl gave in to his reluctance to see Jazz leave so soon. “You could always come up here.”

The offer made Jazz pause, before he decided to check he heard correctly. “Ya sure, Sparkles?”

Prowl nodded his doorwings fluttering softly. “I would appreciate your company.”

Needing no further encouragement, the saboteur activated the magnetic in his servos and pedes and, to the enforcer’s surprise, without further ado began to climb up the wall effortlessly until he reached Prowl’s window, where he perched on the ledge.

“You know I would have opened the door for you?”

“Where’s the fun in that?” the saboteur replied, hopping into the room. “Besides no serenade is complete without the climb through ya window.”

Awkwardly regarding each other they stood there unmoving, unsure what to do. Prowl was completely out of his depth and Jazz didn’t want to chase the other away again by going too fast, not after he managed to get back into the sweet mech’s good graces.
Until Prowl ever so slowly reached for Jazz. At once the silver mech stepped forward wrapping Prowl in his arms, careful not to hurt the other’s doorwings. Head tucked under Jazz’s chin the black and white reveled in the feeling of being held like this again, his own arms looped around Jazz’s neck.

“I really am sorry, Sparkles.” the saboteur spoke up, gently nuzzling Prowl’s ruby chevron.

“I know.” The doorwinger’s soft reply was music to the saboteur. “I had time to think this through and I understand now. You are forgiven.” The relief in Jazz’s frame was palpable, even as he continued to drink in the feel of the other in his arms, the quiet near soundless cadence of Prowl’s systems.

They stood like that for some time, neither willing to have the moment end just yet, eventually though Prowl couldn’t hide his exhaustion anymore. He felt so safe and warm in the embrace his body decided now was the perfect time to get the rest it needed. Lulled to near recharge by the soothing pulse of Jazz’s spark a yawn escaped him.

Chuckling, Jazz stroked one of Prowl’s cheeks. “Sounds like I’d better leave ya to your rest, Sparkles.”

Prowl’s arms tightened around Jazz neck. “Don’t leave.” He didn’t care how plaintive he sounded, he needed Jazz to stay. “Please remain here, just for recharge. I don’t want to be alone.”

“Ya wan’t me ta stay?” Jazz repeated, unsure he heard right.

Embarrassed by his own actions Prowl cringed. “I am sorry, I should not have asked.” What would the other think of him now?

The small whisper tugging at his spark, the saboteur acquiesced, he didn’t have it in him to refuse. “Hush, it’s alright, Sparkles.” Prowl was almost in recharge on his pedes already. Lifting the smaller form into his arms, Jazz carried him to Prowl’s berth where he placed him on his side before joining him.

Almost immediately Prowl crept closer, resting his head on Jazz’s shoulder, arm placed on the silver mech’s chassis right where his spark pulsed. Jazz returned the embrace, holding Prowl close, content to just be with the mech he loved.

Pressing a small kiss to Prowl’s helm, he hummed the first of the songs he had caught Prowl’s attention with this night, even after Prowl had fallen asleep.

“And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now…

To Be Continued

Notes: And now we are finally done with the drama and back to the humour with the next chapter: Dinner for two.

rated pg13, multi chapter, music inspired, fan fiction: 2011, au, prowlxjazz: 11, tf-bayverse, poster: thalanee

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