September Challenge proper posting details

Sep 02, 2011 19:16

Hello everyone, I will be posting now the details of the challenge, times and method.

Because I am in Mexico I will be posting on September 3rd according to my location so I will not get side tracked with the posting. To make it a little easier for everyone that is on different time zones I will post the first lot of prompts on saturday 3 at 02:00 hrs (2 am) Mexico City time zone (or CST).

Here is a clock you may use to check your equivalences with adjustments for daylight saving times.

- Every week the prompts will go up on saturday at 2 am CST northern hemisphere. You have until that entry comes up to post your fills. (should something happen to prevent me from doing so, I'll task the other mods to do it for me)

- You do not need to claim any prompts. Simply peruse the list of given prompts for that week and fill as many as you wish to, there is no limit to how many you can pick, just make sure you will be able to post them that week. There is no limit to how many times a prompt can be answered during that week.

- For the sake of fairness and equal exposure to all members, if you pick several prompts please do not post all of them the same day. You may post a maximum of three fills per day.

- Remember at this time cooperative works are not allowed as valid entries for the challenge. You can submit fan art, fan fiction, crafts, photos, etc, but the entries must be your doing.

- Written entries must be a minimum of 500 words.

- Your fills can be individual for each prompt or all can tie together into a single expanded story if you wish. That is, if you want to set the responses to the prompts as taking part of the same 'story' you may do so.

- You may not post old works as part of your fills, please create something new. You may, however, base your prompt fill on the same setting of previously works.

- Remember the prompts have to center around Prowl and Jazz, your responses can deal with the characters individually or together, or from another character's point of view but the central topic must be Prowl and Jazz. Try to keep the use of OCs to a minimum.

- Remember to properly tag your entries and provide with a proper header for your works as well a lj-cuts.

- R and NC-17 works must be friends locked within the community.

- Tag your entries with the anniversary challenge '11 tag and any other appropriate tags that apply.

- Last but no least, have fun and thank you for contributing to prowlxjazz and the love we share for these characters. Here's to a wonderful anniversary and more to come.

anniversary challenge 11, mod post, poster: vejiraziel '11

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