We interrupt your daily dose of Prowl x Jazz to let you guys know we've finally implemented a couple of cosmetic changes to the PxJ community. Over
here you can see our profile, hopefully a lot less intimidating with an smaller size. Our rules included. I'll be going through the affilliates later on to see which ones are still active and purge the inactive ones.
And finally we also have a change on layout, with grand amounts of help from the ever lovely
pellimusprime. The Artwork on display is exclusively made for
prowlxjazz and found nowhere else, so I hope you guys like it.
Through the next few days I hope to have a new default icon and a new pxj theme for our community, which would be phase two in our revamping.
Now that I'm done with this announcement I'll remind you that:
Our April Challenge is on-going, keep the pxj love coming! Also, since I pushed it down for this announcement,
Jazz is once again nominated for the Hall of Fame. Come on, guys, let's give our support to our beloved Porsche!
Any suggestions you'd like to throw at us, please note us or let us know in this post. Thank you!