MOD POST - 02-04-11

Apr 02, 2011 23:59

Hello, everyone. It's been a while since the last mod post and quite a few things have been going on since then. First, we've had a few changes to the mod squad so please welcome mmouse15 as a new mod. Remember that wicked3659 and vejiraziel are also here should you need assistance.

- We remind you we have an April Challenge already ongoing and we even have our first entry!

- We'd also like to make the community a little more retroactive in terms of the staff and the members. So, we're opening this post to allow you guys to give us your suggestions to improve prowlxjazz, tags you feel we need. Ideas for events, challenges, and even contests, ways we can improve the community etc.

- We'd also like to remind everyone that if you have more than 20 unique posts in the community you can request your own poster tag. You may request it here or note one of the mods.

- Works labeled as R or NC-17/M are to be friends locked within the community.

- Please remember to tag your works properly, makes it easier to locate your works if you do. While we encourage to use all the tags that are appropriate to your works, it's sufficient to use "poster tag" if you have it, type of work "Fanfiction", "Fanart", 'verse tag if not G1, and rating. We prefer that you use the prowlxjazz tag if your work centers about the two of them. And prowl and jazz individual tags if your works center primarily about one or the other but not both.

- Last but no least, the promised change in layout is finally underway, which will include a pxj mood theme, new main icon and of course, a new layout displaying our favorite black and white pair. The question is, should we use fan art, toy photos or official artwork for the layout?

Fan art would be either drawn by myself or donated by any of our members (either drawn by them or works commissioned by them with the artist's permission).

Photos would be taken from my Prowl and Jazz figures posed to suit the occasion.

Official artwork - Any artwork coming from comics, from package artwork, posters I've acquired official and from artists, etc.

Which do you prefer on the layout? Please vote to help me out on this. Depending on the results I'll be trying to fit the three verses where there's Prowl and Jazz that we know of so far.

Poll PXJ Layout

That's it for now, thanks for keeping this community going and for your support.

mod post: rules, mod post, mod post: tagging, poster: vejiraziel '11

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